HWM (Singapore)

Could your grandma be the next cybersecur­ity expert?

- By Zachary Chan

I was in attendance of a panel discussion during RSA Conference 2018 that was focusing on emerging cyber threats and the challenges faced by corporatio­ns and government­s in a digital world. Yes, the thrilling melting pot of modern security concerns.

However, there was one discussion point that stuck with me, and it was about how we think of cybersecur­ity experts today. I’d imagine the rst thing that popped into your mind— just as it did mine—was the typical programmin­g savant. A high prole black hat hacker, brought in to reverse engineer a company’s infrastruc­ture, in order to nd and eliminate security loopholes. Or maybe I’ve just watched one too many movies.

The reality of it, as echoed by panelists Zulkar Ramzan, the CTO of RSA, and Narelle Devine, the Chief Informatio­n Security Ofcer at the Australian Government Department of Human Services, is that IT skills aren’t the most important thing you need to be a cybersecur­ity expert any more. And organizati­ons are nding out that current education curriculum­s aren’t producing people with the right skills for the real world when they leave university.

In fact, there is currently a shortage of qualied people in this eld. There is no such thing as hiring a cybersecur­ity specialist with 10 years of experience, because the skillsets required for such security needs didn’t exist 10 years ago.

Security rms talking about increased threat landscapes, and breaches that seem to be happening in greater frequency, are simply an effect of our world going digital.

Cybersecur­ity—the denition of the term bandied about today—is no longer an IT-only issue. It is a multifacet­ed problem that encompasse­s every aspect of our lives, with running a business or even a country.

TL;DR. As long as there is internet, there will be cybersecur­ity concerns.

And because of this, human skills are required more than ever. And this goes beyond the need to align technical jargon with business goals. I’m talking about the skillsets needed to understand and deal with growing digital threats that can’t be detected or stopped by your run of the mill rewall and anti-virus.

Psychologi­sts for example, can be employed within a cybersecur­ity team to combat the increase in sophistica­ted social engineerin­g techniques. These are the threats that attempt to hack the human connected to the system rather than the system itself.

Lawyers also have a role in cybersecur­ity to help develop new policy and processes, to identify and combat traditiona­l criminal activity that’s moved into the digital space. For example, many cyber attacks aren’t really caused by hacking. They’re merely incidents of fraud; digital fraud yes, but still just fraud.

Following this vein, real world cybersecur­ity skills can be trained, or re-trained into people that may have the aptitude to excel in a cybersecur­ity environmen­t, without necessaril­y having an IT background. In the more traditiona­l sense, Singapore’s Republic Polytechni­c and Temasek Polytechni­c works with RSA to operate studentrun Security Operation Centers. On the other hand, in Australia, there are programs to re-train veterans.

Further down the unconventi­onal rabbit hole, it was brought up that truck drivers are supposed to have excellent facial recognitio­n skills, which leads to very good pattern recognitio­n. They can also stay focused for hours on end, which are exactly the kind of skills that a cybersecur­ity war room would need. There was even a suggestion of re-training retirees and the elderly as untapped talent sources, as they may already have skillsets that can be applied to the bold new cybersecur­ity frontier.

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