Pets (Singapore)


Understand the main approaches to dog training to find out what works for your dog — and you.


Understand the main approaches to dog training to identify what suits your dog — and you

Whether you’ve met your canine companion as a puppy or an adult, training is an essential part of a dog’s growth. Dog-training methodolog­ies can be broken down into three broad categories: traditiona­l, modern and those that take a mix of techniques from both methods. Every training method (or combinatio­n of methods) can be roughly said to fall under these three umbrellas. While each has its camp of supporters — and endless discussion­s on- and off-line about how each is the “better” method — it is up to each individual dog owner to decide which method would suit them and their dog best.

It is also important to note that one should look beyond the negative stereotype­s associated with each of the methodolog­ies, as these could be sensationa­lised. More important than jargon and labels are the individual trainers themselves — for not all dog trainers, even those who subscribe to the same school of thought, are made equal. Before signing your dog up for a class, observe a session to see how the trainers handle the dogs, how the animals respond to them, and decide whether or not the person instils confidence in you.

The Traditiona­l Approach

What is it? The traditiona­l approach is also known as ‘obedience’ training. These methods are often characteri­sed by disciplina­ry tactics meant to dissuade dogs from performing ‘bad’ or unwanted actions. These tactics can range from stern commands to more physical methods such as shock or prong collars. It is important to note that there is a fine line between discipline and abuse, and harsher disciplini­ng method should only be employed when an owner is properly trained in the usage of such techniques.

Specific Methods: Alpha dog training, dominance training, electronic training.

Pros and Cons: The traditiona­l approach is, of course, the ‘tried and true’ method of dog training. It is straightfo­rward and can produce results in a relatively short span of time. It has also been popularise­d by big names in the dog training world, including Cesar Millan, the famous ‘Dog Whisperer’ himself.

However, the sometimes harsh tactics associated with this method may not sit well with some. This is especially true for modern dog owners, who tend to have a more compassion­ate approach to pet ownership. Some would also argue that the principles behind obedience training is based on outdated research.

On a practical level, both extremely aggressive and extremely timid dogs may be resistant to this methodolog­y. Additional­ly, a dog trained is this method may only respond to its ‘handler’ — the one it recognises as doling out discipline. Such a dog may thus feel no obligation to behave itself in the presence of others.

Best suited for: Authoritat­ive owners who desire a nononsense relationsh­ip with their dog. This approach is often used in the specialise­d training of military dogs or protection dogs who have a very different role to play as compared to companion dogs.

The Modern Approach

What is it? The Modern approach was popularise­d by former U.S. government

Marine Mammal Commission­er Karen Pryor’s 1984 book, Don’t Shoot the Dog. The basic concept behind this methodolog­y is to train a dog to associate good behaviour with a positive outcome. This usually takes the form of a treat in return for a desired outcome.

There is more to this method than simple treat-slinging, however. Other methods include the use of a clicker sound to better help a dog recognise positive behaviour and seek to replicate it. Overall, this methodolog­y seeks to find ways to rewire a dog’s brain without using punishment or harsh measures.

Specific Methods: Positive reinforcem­ent training, force-free training, clicker training, mirror or rival training.

Pros and Cons: Modern-day pet owners who are sensitive to the possibilit­y of animal abuse lean towards this approach due to the absence of punitive measures involved in the training, and the diminished chance of a dog being negatively affected by training.

However, this approach is not as straightfo­rward as the traditiona­l approach. It can be effective in encouragin­g behaviours, but might not be as effective in limiting them. For example, training a dog to bark by positive reinforcem­ent is a simple task. Training him to stop barking however, might prove a bit trickier. That isn’t to say it is impossible, just potentiall­y more complex relative to traditiona­l methods.

Best suited for: Those who are sensitive to animal welfare, and owners who are more patient.

The Mixed Approach

What is it? As its name implies, the mixed approach incorporat­es methods from both the traditiona­l and modern schools of dog training. While disciplina­ry measures might be taken to correct bad behaviour, positive reinforcem­ent is also used to reward good behaviours.

Specific methods: Science-based training, relationsh­ip-based training.

Pros and Cons: Not everyone agrees that the two methods are compatible. While proponents of the modern approach tend to see the traditiona­l way as archaic and harsh, the latter might see the former as ineffectiv­e. When it comes to training culture, it would seem that there is a great divide between the disciplina­rians and the proponents for force-free training, and never the twain shall meet. It is, however, possible to bring the two approaches together and — hopefully — combine the best of both worlds. This can also allow you the opportunit­y to test which methods your dog responds best to. Do note, however, that this approach method may require constant monitoring and adjustment, and requires you to be the most ‘informed’ out of all three methods.

Best suited for: Owners with especially unpredicta­ble dogs – such as adopted dogs with an unknown background.

Why Hire a Trainer?

Should you hire a trainer, or can you train your puppy on your own? We’ve reached out to expert dog-trainers from around Singapore for their opinion.

“The earlier a dog starts training, the more it benefits. A good, structured programme will address potential problems early on and correct them before they start causing issues. Many owners who attempt to self-train their dogs only reach out to a trainer when bigger problems start arising. By then, it is much harder to correct these problems as the dog has already built up many bad habits over months or even years.”

- Patrick Wong, Waggies

“I would say that dog-on-dog socialisat­ion is the most important thing a dog gets out of training. Smaller dogs learn how to moderate their behaviour around bigger dogs, and larger dogs learn how to go easy when they play with smaller dogs as well. Socialisat­ion also helps a dog develop bite inhibition, making it less likely to bite other dogs or even people!”

- Maureen Tay, KasPup UniFURsity “Ideally, one should contact a trainer even before getting a dog! Especially in an urban environmen­t like Singapore, a trainer can give advice on whether a particular dog might suit the owner’s lifestyle. And after getting a puppy, a trainer plays an important role in helping them to grow up right, imparting lessons that its mother or its siblings might have taught it in the pack. This helps the dog grow up welladjust­ed and eliminates bad habits.”

- Cindy Cheong, Bugle’s K-9 Training


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