Pets (Singapore)


to South America, the Sun Conure is a popular species for bird enthusiast­s in Singapore.


Named so for its gorgeously bright yellow feathers, the Sun Conure is arguably one of the most vividly-coloured feathered creatures. With an average length of 30cm, the sun conure is a medium-sized bird with a classic parrot look, making them appealing to bird owners who do not have the room to house and care for larger birds. However, taking care of a Sun Conure is no easy task and requires a lot of commitment. For starters, these birds can live up to 30 years in captivity, which makes them almost lifelong companions — so be prepared to care for them for a good part of your life.

They are also social birds and require a lot of interactio­n from their owners to stay healthy and happy. If you do not have the time to keep them entertaine­d, at least give these curious and active birds a decently large bird cage with horizontal bars — as they are acrobatic birds that love to climb. They are comfortabl­e in the tropical climate — so you do not have to crank up their air-conditioni­ng for their sake. However, do note that their cage should be off the floor and away from open windows and doorways. Sun Conures tend to be light sleepers, so you should house them in a quiet environmen­t with a cover over the cage.

You might also want to consider offering them companions­hip through other birds. However, it is best to bond with both birds separately before housing two Sun

Conures together. Mated pairs of Sun Conures can also get aggressive towards their owner during the breeding season, so ensure that your Sun Conure gets plenty of love through daily companions­hip, toys and a fun cage, otherwise they may result in screaming. And you do not want that to happen: a means for them to communicat­e in the wilderness, their ear-piercing scream can travel for kilometres!

Their diet consists mainly of grains, seeds as well as insects. A good diet is a mixed one consisting of pellet foods and seed mixes. However, your Sun Conure may get bored of this, so throw in some fresh fruit and vegetables from time to time. Suitable ones include apples, bananas, carrots, peas and broccoli. Always remove any uneaten fresh foods after a couple of hours so that the food does not spoil. Wash the dishes as well before using them again. Never feed them avocado, chocolate or alcohol as these are toxic to them even in small amounts. If your bird starts losing appetite, sits on the floor of the cage, or looks unhealthy, a visit to the vet would be wise. Healthy Sun Conures eat and drink throughout the day, and exhibit dry nostrils and bright, dry eyes.

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