Pets (Singapore)


Iridescent scales and long fins that twirl around them like underwater ball gowns, the Betta Splendens continues to seduce, hypnotize and captivate till today.


The Siamese Fighting Fish

With its stunning colours and gorgeous tails flashing around, the Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens), also known as the Betta, is among the most popular of fishes found everywhere from pet shops, right up to the corner aquarium store in wet markets.

These undeniably enchanting fishes with its ease of maintenanc­e and relatively small footprint in the house make them ideal pets to consider. The Betta (pronounced “bet-tah”, not “bay-tah”) fish, have long been clear favourites of both novice and advanced aquarists alike. And, as they live in a freshwater environmen­t, the tank is easier to set up and maintain than a saltwater alternativ­e.

While there seems to be plenty of good reasons to want to acquire one, it must be noted that they do require the same amount of care and equipment as any other fish. They should not be seen as lowmainten­ance alternativ­es.

Looking Back

Early in 2019, Thailand’s council of ministers confirmed “Siamese Fighting Fish” as Thailand’s national aquatic animal. While they were once selectivel­y bred for fights, collectors now hold beauty contests instead. Fancy-shaped tails like the veil tail, half-moon, crown tail, comb tail or shortfinne­d fight-style tail are prized, as with its iridescent colours and flamboyant looks.

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