Pets (Singapore)

Belarus: The Fund-Raising Cross-Eyed Feline


San Francisco, USA: Pet celebritie­s are more famous than they have ever been. Meet Belarus – a feline Internet celebrity with close to 300,000 followers on Instagram, an internet store selling tee shirts and mugs, and, his own Facebook and YouTube accounts.

But that’s not all: This fuzzball is rolling in the catnip cash – which he donates to animal shelters in the San Francisco area.

Belarus was born cross-eyed due to an eye condition called strabismus. Luckily, the condition doesn’t cause him any pain, nor is his vision affected. After a post featuring the Nebelung feline at San Francisco Animal Care & Control (SFACC) went viral back in June 2018, animal lover Rachel Krall adopted him.

By posting his antics with the now-famous face of Belarus, Rachel is hosting fundraiser­s for the animals in need. Thanks to his following, there is now a whole range of clothing available on Bonfire featuring Belarus’ goofy grin, with 100 percent of the profits being donated to animal charities in the San Francisco area.

Rachel says: “His favourite hobbies include juggling, waiting for his food machine and looking in two directions at once.”

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