Pets (Singapore)

Tips On Use


• Stick with extra virgin olive oil as it features a fresher flavour, thanks to its reduced acid content. However, it could end up going rancid more quickly, so make sure store it in a dark bottle in an area of your kitchen that is away from heat.

• You can add olive oil to your dog’s food, whether he is eating kibble or canned food. Talk to your veterinari­an about whether you should be adding olive oil to every meal or if you should only be adding it in during certain meal times.

• As a general rule, it isn’t a good idea to feed any more than just a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to your dog for every nine kilos of the pup’s body weight. You can always mix the oil into your dog’s regular food.

But, again, consulting with your vet is really the best way to go when you are trying to figure out the right dose for any supplement to your pet’s diet.

• When adding olive oil to your dog’s food, consider the fact that it contains fat and calories. Extra precaution­s should be taken for dogs that are prone to developing pancreatit­is or weight gain.

• It is worth noting that olive oil may irritate the gastrointe­stinal tract of some dogs, particular­ly those with a sensitive stomach. If, after you give your dog some olive oil with his food, you notice that he has an upset stomach, it’s probably best to not give him anymore.

• And if your dog is vomiting or has diarrhoea, don’t give your dog any olive oil, as doing so might make the situation worse.

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