


Mr. Basile Guibert, who is growing the Mas de Daumas Gassac business in Asia, answers 20 revealing questions.

1. Cult following or mass adulation? Cult following for Mas de Daumas Gassac & mass adulation for Moulin de Gassac.

2. Starting over or continuing the tradition? Continuing a tradition.

3. Bad music in good stereo system or good music in bad stereo system? Good music of course!

4. Ballet or opera? Opera.

5. Sci-fi or historical romance? Sci-fi. Isaac Asimov is the best!

6. Excellent wine with middling food or middling wine with excellent food? Ha-ha-ha! Excellent wine!

7. Selling a good brand or selling a good product? Both!

8. Mountain or sea? Sea.

9. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction

10. Well-planned journey or adventure trip on impulse? Depends on who is tagging along, but I guess a bit of both.

11. Surprise ending or problem ending? Surprise ending.

12. Slow boat to China or fast train through France? Slow boat to China of course!

13. Love at first sight or calculated love affair? Love at first sight.

14. Mountain hideaway or beach retreat? Beach retreat.

15. Light conversati­on or deep musings? Deep musings!

16. Searching or finding? Searching.

17. Contempora­ry art or classical art? Both of course! I love art; you can’t make me choose!

18. Formal dinner with associates or hanging out with the boys? Formal dinner with associates.

19. Keeping a pet or growing a plant? Growing a plant!

20. Sleep or food? Sleep.

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