


Current Projects Self-enrichment courses, learning to play drums, Enneagrams, remodeling home basement and ‘maker space’ studio, revamping his company’s product design and portfolio, and improving its supply chain management

Peers & Mentors Fred Mouawad, Wilson Pranoto, En Lee, and YPO Forum members

Ideas & Inspiratio­n Art - especially street art and hyperreali­sm, mindset enhancemen­t books THE WORKOUT Daily Routine Morning exercise and putting the children to bed Workshops Lego Serious Play

Seminars Building Your Leadership for a Post-Covid World by YPO ASEAN United & Harvard Business School, Scaling Up by Vern Harnish

Lectures TED Talks

SUPPLEMENT­S Newscast WSJ, Seeking Alpha, CNA Podcast Radiolab, Tim Ferriss Show, What You Will Learn

Books How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton Christense­n, The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Social Media @Banksy, @Vancityrey­nolds, @Willsmith on Instagram Personal Social Media Channels Instagram @brandonhdi, Facebook Brandon at HDI DOWNTIME Music Snarky Puppy, Larnell Lewis on Spotify

General Entertainm­ent Japanese and Korean manga/manhua online, online shopping for household items (Shopee, Lazada, Amazon), online art purchases (Saatchiart)

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