

Precise control, universal design styles, and unique customisat­ion options meet in the new AXOR Shower Select


Precision control packaged in your personal style is now a tempting possibilit­y in your own shower space with AXOR ShowerSele­ct

ID. Working with leading product design and innovation studio Phoenix, AXOR has developed the concealed thermostat­ic mixer powered by AXOR iBox universal 2 which can be installed 45mm from your shower wall.

“AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID balances universal appeal with personal preference, its minimalist design creating a striking aesthetic and enhancing ease of use,” says Matthias Oesterle of Phoenix.

“Solid metal surfaces inscribed with fine symbols let you start or stop water flow with the simple touch of a fingertip, while a central thermostat­ic handle gives accurate and sophistica­ted feedback when the temperatur­e is changed. With a vast range of finishes and materials the appearance of the thermostat can be customised to make a distinctiv­e design statement in a variety of interiors.”

Comfort and Ease

AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID makes ultra-precise operation a breeze. It features a central temperatur­e control dial that you can turn effortless­ly for a gratifying haptic and auditory feedback. The control dial has fine grooves for better tactile interactio­n, allowing you to adjust the water temperatur­e in small, precise increments.

A water volume control is integrated into the system so you can adjust the rate at which water flows right up to a full stop. There is even a SafetyStop feature that prevents you from accidental­ly scalding yourself.

Surroundin­g the control dial are paddles fitted with the latest Select technology which delivers quick response when you switch among the sprays or outlets of your choice. The paddles are marked with clear laser-engraved icons that can be activated with a simple push.

Your Shower, Your Way

Adding your custom style imprint is equally simple. The unit comes in three styles – round, square or softsquare – that is further expanded by the wide array of exclusive AXOR FinishPlus surfaces and AXOR Signature custom inlays.

PVD-coated and hand-finished, AXOR FinishPlus surfaces are robust, durable, and scratch resistant. Polished to a sheen or brushed to a soft glow, they are available in wide range of colours. AXOR Signature inlays, on the other hand, include such materials as balck or white marbles, black walnut, and mirrored glass.

With these extensive options, you can easily find a combinatio­n of colour, texture and detail that blends well with your own shower space. You make turn your AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID into a vivid reflection of your style and taste. AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID offers a seamless complement to the entire AXOR Shower portfolio.

 ?? ?? Developed in collaborat­ion with design studio PHOENIX, AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID leads the way in precise control and individual­ized design.
Developed in collaborat­ion with design studio PHOENIX, AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID leads the way in precise control and individual­ized design.
 ?? ?? An array of AXOR Signature custom inlays expands the possibilit­ies in personalis­ing AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID.
An array of AXOR Signature custom inlays expands the possibilit­ies in personalis­ing AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID.
 ?? ?? Available in all AXOR FinishPLus surfaces, AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID comes in a round, square or softsquare profile.
Available in all AXOR FinishPLus surfaces, AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID comes in a round, square or softsquare profile.
 ?? ?? AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID is available in Q4 2024.
AXOR ShowerSele­ct ID is available in Q4 2024.

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