Prestige (Singapore)



How much time do you spend on social media?

I think I just get really caught up with mindlessly scrolling – endlessly – on Twitter and Instagram. I knew it was a problem for me when at one particular family dinner, I kept unconsciou­sly reaching for my phone, which wasn’t there (I had purposely kept it away)! So that’s when I knew it became a habit that I needed to stop.

Any hobbies?

I think my love for photograph­y started since I got my first camera phone and it just progressed from there – I just take photos of whatever, with whatever. Plants, food, buildings, the sky, you name it. Photo-sharing social platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr fuel my interests too; I can just spend hours scrolling, looking at photos. But I only post my photos on my Instagram account, which is private. I publish some of them on my Exposure web page too. Other than that, no future plans for my photos. An exhibition would be a dream come true, but I guess I’m not that confident about my photos yet.

What’s your greatest fear?

Regret – but also maybe cockroache­s, spiders and snakes!

You have never eaten durian?

I’m a bit put off by the smell of durian and I just have no intention to try it, I guess. I’m really not curious as to its taste. (laughs)

Any nicknames you had as a child?

A few: Co, Cokes, Coconut, Cococrunch, Cocopuffs, Cookie, Cookie Monster, and one other one that I refuse to say because it’s rude – though I have to admit it’s pretty funny...

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