Robb Report Singapore


Call on a local foodie to help you discover Asia’s most iconic cities, one dish at a time.


Having a meal while on holiday no longer means simply popping into a nearby restaurant for a bite. Quite simply, gone are the days where one eats for sustenance, but lives to eat.

Discerning travellers are increasing­ly looking out for tours that offer a local touch, one that allows them to not just enjoy a meal, but also brings them on a historical and cultural journey through the country’s culinary scene. Hidden gems in alleyways that are indistingu­ishable one from the next but are thronged by locals bring an added dimension of excitement, mystery and surprise to an otherwise convention­al meal. You don’t necessaril­y need to have a stomach for adventure, but bring along an open mind and you’ll be guaranteed a memorable trip. The following companies offer everyday experience­s conducted by locals, for the holidaymak­er whose intent is to become a global citizen, palate first.

No longer just a marketplac­e for short-term lodging, the company has a dedicated page that offers an extensive range of food experience­s led by locals, many of whom are AirBnb hosts themselves. Discover food stalls in the last Malay enclave in Kuala Lumpur, purchasing the market’s freshest produce in Bali and picking up fruit-carving skills from the chef-owner of a farm-totable restaurant in Bangkok. Group sizes are usually small, from four people for a cooking class to eight for a bar crawl or street food jaunt.

Whetting oenophile and foodies’ taste buds since 2000, Gourmet On Tour provides over 80 culinary journeys, wine tours and tasting adventures across Europe, Asia and South America. Group sizes are intimate, with a maximum number of 10 guests each time, ensuring each has the opportunit­y to get up

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