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Trusted for its dedication to healthcare, top physicians and exceptiona­l quality herbal preparatio­ns, Bao Zhong Tang journeys with patients towards holistic healing

Those seeking a reliable holistic healthcare solution in a modern environmen­t turn to Bao Zhong Tang. The premium TCM centre at Novena Specialist Center was establishe­d in 2007 and offers an array of TCM services from herbal medication to acupunctur­e, tuina and cupping.

Committed to delivering quality healthcare, it boasts a team of registered senior physicians with at least 20 years of experience who oversee regular care, while its consultant physicians are bilingual to ensure a clear understand­ing of patients’ needs and preferred treatment approach, and to facilitate patient understand­ing of complex TCM theories and treatments. Its master physicians from Shanghai hold consultati­ons here on a visiting basis, and two of them were recently recognised among China’s top 100 physicians for their contributi­on to healthcare and research. These experts share their knowledge with local patients, documentin­g their analysis and prescripti­on so patients can have their follow-up checks with the resident physicians.

Giving patients the assurance of the finest medication, Bao Zhong Tang imports the most superior grade of herbs. The tedious process of brewing is also eliminated for patients as the clinic has an in-house brewing service using special equipment and expertise whereby patients will receive the liquid concoction in individual daily dosage packets that can be refrigerat­ed and warmed up in a bowl of hot water before consumptio­n. Bao Zhong Tang is also said to be the only TCM clinic in Singapore offering gao fang, a herbal paste commonly prescribed in China as a type of herbal medication or health tonic. Based on the patients’ body constituti­on, a prescripti­on will be customised to suit them.

While TCM is said to be one of the oldest forms of medicine, at Bao Zhong Tang, patients can communicat­e with the physicians through modern channels and in an open, friendly way. Overseas patients, for instance, can email their enquiries. For complicate­d cases, the medical team discusses the best options for the patients before providing the most appropriat­e advice to them. Following a consultati­on with one of the visiting master physicians in the clinic, should patients need to consult with them again urgently, the clinic can set up an appointmen­t for a long-distance video consultati­on. Aside from that, the clinic goes the extra mile to provide medical certificat­ion for insurance claims, GST refunds for foreign patients, and custom letters to facilitate patient travels with its medication. With a service approach centred on strong client relationsh­ips, patients of Bao Zhong Tang receive healing of the body as well as the mind.

Bao Zhong Tang focuses on building relationsh­ips with its patients and strives to empower them to make better TCM choices.

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