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Combining an accomplish­ed doctor and top-of-the-line products, with a dedicated, patient-centric approach, Dr Felix Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic helps each of its clients look—and feel—their best.


Every face and expression convey unique messages to the onlooker. It lets them know if we are feeling happy or sad, energetic or tired, confident or unattracti­ve. As we age, the messages of our faces change, and may no longer accurately reflect the way we feel inside. It is therefore the mission at Dr Felix Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic to reduce the negative messages and enhance the positive messages of every face, empowering each patient to confidentl­y put forth the best of themselves.

Known for his expertise in injectable work and keen eye for aesthetics, founder and Medical Director Dr Felix Li explains that every face is different, and each patients’ needs are unique. On top of a profession­al clinical examinatio­n, Dr Felix believes that it is imperative to understand his patients’ emotional attributes, in order to tailor a treatment plan that truly addresses each individual patient’s needs and wants—an approach that has captured his patients’ hearts.

“It’s all about having the clarity to identify the factors that contribute to the negative messages, and having the expertise to improve them, while retaining and enhancing the positive messages that make each face beautiful and unique,” says Dr Felix. “When I inject, I don’t just aim to erase lines or create sharper chins. Rather, I aim to help my patient look and feel younger, slimmer, happier, more confident and relaxed. Only then do I consider the treatment successful.”

Convenient­ly located in the heart of Raffles Place, this leading medical aesthetics clinic offers a comprehens­ive

range of services: from its signature Botox, Fillers, and Threadlift treatments for facial rejuvenati­on, to the latest Sculpsure technology for non-surgical, permanent fat removal. To ensure that treatments are safe and effective, the clinic utilises only top-of-the-line, industry-leading medical products and devices that are HSA approved, scientific­ally proven, and clinically tested. Even the clinic’s own skincare products are exceptiona­l. Each one is formulated in-house, utilising a combinatio­n of rigorously tested formulas and medical-grade ingredient­s.

Dr Felix is a strong believer in continuing education in aesthetic medicine, keeping abreast of the latest advancemen­ts in a rapidly evolving field. In 2018, Dr Felix played a key role in the organisati­on of a major local conference, the SAM Conference 2018. Internatio­nally, Dr Felix was an invited speaker at the Taipei Threadlift Congress, where he shared his experience with over 500 doctors from Taiwan and China. In the community, Dr Felix Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic is a proud sponsor of the CRIB Ball 2018, as the clinic shares a common mission with the social enterprise—to empower and support women.

The result of this dedication? A clinic that continuall­y pushes the boundaries of its work, delivering results that go beyond achieving the desired aesthetic outcomes, to making a positive and meaningful impact on its patients’ emotions, selfimage, and confidence.

“It’s all about having the clarity to identify the factors that contribute to the negative messages, and having the expertise to improve them, while retaining and enhancing the positive messages that make each face beautiful and unique.” — Dr Felix Li, founder and director, Dr Felix Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic

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