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Put these delightful and intriguing destinatio­ns on your travel list for 2019.

- By Annabelle Bok

In today’s world of increasing connectivi­ty, it can be a little hard for vacationer­s— especially urbanites who want exciting new experience­s but aren’t keen on roughing it out—to truly get away and explore places that haven’t yet made the rounds online. So we’ve asked the experts to share some of the best places to visit that check all the necessary requiremen­ts.


“Exclusive, out-of-reach areas are fewer and further between now, thanks to the Internet and modernisat­ion, and sharing about them always presents a dilemma as we want to keep them untouched,” says Lim Hui-juan, co-founder and COO of Quotient Travelplan­ner. “However, while it is true that travellers are increasing­ly drawn to ‘ less touristy’ locations, many are unprepared to be out of their comfort zones for an entire holiday, which more remote locales inevitably demand.

“We bridge this by designing itinerarie­s that include pampering touches— this usually means multi-destinatio­n trips— or destinatio­ns with unspoilt qualities that still support urbanites’ expectatio­ns. One example is the Faroe Islands: gorgeous, rugged landscapes, hardly any tourists, and perfect mobile connectivi­ty. You can enjoy the empty vastness, take good long walks exploring peaks and waterfalls, meet the locals, and try wind-dried lamb or whale—all while being comfortabl­y connected to the Internet. We also recommend road trips between Copenhagen and Oslo along Sweden’s west coast, or a villagehop­ping experience in the Catalonia or Languedoc-roussilon regions.”

Why travel with Quotient Travelplan­ner instead of other bespoke travel concierges? “We appeal to and attract clients who view holidays as more than just a trip to ‘get out there’ and ‘see or do something new’,” Lim says. “Our shared understand­ing of travel as a means to connect with the world and embark on a journey of discovery—both outward and inward—helps us help our clients plan meaningful, impactful journeys. They then return home energised and inspired to tackle existing and new challenges, whether by taking on a new approach at work or making a commitment to living more sustainabl­y.”


“Despite the world becoming much more accessible, there are still many unspoilt or untouched areas that we recommend travelling to,” says Chang Theng Hwee, CEO of Scott Dunn Asia, adding, “We have excellent relationsh­ips with our suppliers, who we work closely with to ensure each itinerary is completely tailormade to our guests’ preference­s.”

Sharing his take on destinatio­ns that elicit wonder and awe, Chang says: “A personal favourite of mine is Antarctica. An extraordin­ary wilderness of ice sheets, glaciers, and barren desserts that have formed over millennia, it’s home to huge penguin colonies, seabirds, and seals. The scenery changes constantly here, and the 24-hour daylight in summer affords endless opportunit­ies to capture it all on camera if you’re a keen photograph­er. An expedition cruise to this remarkable place is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunit­y, and would combine well with Argentina or Chile as part of a truly epic itinerary.

“Another unique destinatio­n is Ethiopia, a country that has developed its own unique religion, calendar, and language. With a fascinatin­g variety of ethnic groups and tribespeop­le to visit and learn about, and stunning landscapes that include the Simien Mountains and Bale Mountains National Park, discoverin­g the treasures of this unspoilt corner of Africa is an intrepid traveller’s dream.

“Travel to Ethiopia in January and coincide with the annual Timkat ceremony, one of the most important festivals in the Ethiopian Orthodox calandar—you can witness this part of their unique culture with the rugged beauty of some of Africa’s finest mountain scenery as a fitting backdrop.”


Rwanda is currently a hotspot, notes Lim Hui Ting, co-founder and director of travel design at Uniq Luxe. However, that doesn’t mean it’s crowded—the government seems keen to keep tourism in the country more or less exclusive to the well-heeled set, partly in a bid to ensure that the booming economy doesn’t irrevocabl­y damage the country’s ecology and wildlife.

What might a Uniq Luxe itinerary there look like? “Arrive at dawn in Kigali, Africa’s cleanest city ( plastic bags are banned in this country). Via a scenic helicopter flight to One&only Nyungwe House, you’ll come to see why Rwanda is known as the Land of a Thousand Hills. Viewed from within a tea plantation ringed by ancient rainforest­s, the surreal sight of sunlight illuminati­ng the morning mist will stay with you forever. From here, you can enjoy a challengin­g ranger-led hike into Nyungwe Forest, hacking a path through the bush in search of wild chimpanzee­s, or pick the more leisurely Canopy Walk for wonderful bird’s- eye views.

“The highlight of the trip would be gorilla trekking at Volcanoes National Park. Only 96 permits are issued daily, to limit the animals’ exposure to humans. And while your guides will ensure you keep a seven-metre distance from the gorillas, it is not uncommon for the curious apes to approach awestruck visitors for a better look themselves.

“A perfect way to end a trip would then be a stay at the stunning Bisate Lodge, whose ultra-luxurious villas’ unusual design allows them to blend beautifull­y into its natural surrounds. The property’s commitment to sustainabi­lity has garnered several conservati­on awards since its opening in 2017.”

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 ??  ?? (Above) Gjorgv, in the Faroe Islands, is a village named for the island’s most prominent landmark—a 200m-long gorge.
(Above) Gjorgv, in the Faroe Islands, is a village named for the island’s most prominent landmark—a 200m-long gorge.
 ??  ?? (Above and below) Antarctica and Ethiopia are two as-yet unspoilt and relatively unexplored regions that offer wondrous sights and fascinatin­g experience­s.
(Above and below) Antarctica and Ethiopia are two as-yet unspoilt and relatively unexplored regions that offer wondrous sights and fascinatin­g experience­s.
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 ??  ?? (Right) Mornings at Nyungwe House are ethereal, with the entire area swathed in mist.
(Right) Mornings at Nyungwe House are ethereal, with the entire area swathed in mist.
 ??  ?? (Below) Getting up close and personal with wild gorillas is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
(Below) Getting up close and personal with wild gorillas is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
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