Tatler Singapore

Five skincare habits of super‑busy dermatolog­ists.

Five skincare habits of super-busy dermatolog­ists


We’ve all done it— gone to bed with make-up still on, or settled for simply cleansing when our skin was crying out for a deep exfoliatio­n. When we’re busy, our skin can pay the price.

Dermatolog­ists understand. Their hectic schedules often leave little time for proper skincare. But there are some skincare steps, they say, that they would never skip, no matter how busy they are.

Here are five skincare habits of super-busy dermatolog­ists. These are the things they make time for regardless of their schedules—and which they believe you should work into your skincare routine.


Even the busiest dermatolog­ists wash their faces twice a day. “If the dirt and dead skin cells are not removed, how can your expensive serum seep into your skin and take effect?” asks Jasmine Ruth Yuvarani, aesthetic physician at Nexus Clinic. She washes her face twice each day—once in the

morning and once in the evening—to prevent over-stripping of her skin’s natural oils.

Susan Massick, dermatolog­ist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, also washes her face twice daily. “Even after a long day, it’s important to remove make-up and cleanse the skin of any dirt and grime from the day,” she says. To save time when she’s super busy, Massick will cleanse her face—using a gentle cleanser like Cerave—while she’s in the shower.


Moisturise­r is important for dry and oily skin. Yuvarani says she applies moisturise­r every day to keep her skin dewy and fight its natural dryness. And “you don’t have to buy an expensive moisturise­r to have the maximum effect,” she says. “It’s simply important to apply some.”


Massick says the most important step she takes every day is applying sunscreen—but it’s also an important step for anyone whose skin tans easily.

Those who tan easily “can experience worse discoloura­tion of the skin related to sun exposure”, which can lead to facial pigmentati­on such as freckles or melasma, she explains. She applies sunscreen after her daily moisturise­r, then tops it with a mineral sunscreen powder for extra protection. But “sun protection doesn’t have to be limited to sunscreen use”, she says. “Protective clothing, hats and umbrellas can be helpful, too.”


As we age, cell regenerati­on slows down, according to Jenelle Kim, dermatolog­ist at JBK Wellness Labs, which is why she makes time to exfoliate a few times each week. “When old skin cells do not shed evenly or consistent­ly, patches of dullness appear on our skin, which begins to look rough and dry,” she says. Regular exfoliatio­n can help to achieve healthy, glowing skin.


Retinol can act as an aid in fighting acne, dyspigment­ation, wrinkles and other signs of ageing. It’s a powerhouse ingredient that

Rina Allawh of Montgomery Dermatolog­y won’t skip. “Because I typically have dry, sensitive skin, I mix a pea-sized amount of a night-time retinol cream with a similar amount of a nighttime facial moisturise­r and apply it to my entire face,” she says. “I reap the benefits of the retinol while minimising skin irritation, burning, peeling and dryness because of its use.”

“You don’t have to buy an expensive moisturise­r to have the maximum effect. It’s simply important to apply some”

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