Tatler Singapore

Pay it Forward

By exchanging ideas with and being mentored by seasoned masters, aspiring artists are poised to achieve greater heights

- By Terence Lim

Mentored by seasoned masters, aspiring artists look set to achieve greater heights

In the 19th century, apprentice­ships were already common as crafts and trades were very often governed and managed by powerful guilds. Craftsmen would offer training, shelter and meals in exchange for the labour of a young unskilled worker, many of whom become indentured to their masters for years. Over time, many of them would then learn useful skills that led them to a better life.

Today, apprentice­ships have evolved with these learning opportunit­ies presented to individual­s with aptitude and flair, who are seeking to upgrade themselves. Take famed French chef and restaurate­ur Daniel Boulud, for instance. His culinary career started in 1969 when he apprentice­d with chef Gérard Nandron at Nandron, a two Michelin-starred restaurant in Lyon, France. He slowly worked his way up, earning his chops in different kitchens. He now boasts establishm­ents in various cosmopolit­an cities, including Singapore with DB Bistro & Oyster Bar.

Such informal mentoring programmes ensure that the young craftsman pushes the envelope and tests his own abilities. This was what young American musician, composer and drummer Marcus Gilmore achieved under the supervisio­n of acclaimed Indian tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain, as part of the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative. The initiative is an internatio­nal arts mentorship programme that pairs recognised masters in various fields with aspiring artists. Under Hussain’s guidance, Gilmore, a music prodigy himself, managed to create his first compositio­n for an orchestra.

“I spent some time at [Hussain’s] place, and he created a safe space for me to figure out my creative process. He kept me grounded and focused, which was really, really imperative,” said the grandson of legendary American drummer Roy Haynes, adding that writing for an orchestra for the first time in his life gave him such a big learning experience. “Because to have all the melodies in your mind is one thing, but to find out a way to articulate them [into] what you want is a whole different thing. Also, dealing with ranges, different instrument­s, textures and sound design [is not easy].”

Meanwhile, Niger-born architect Mariam Kamara was mentored by British-ghanaian architect David Adjaye. Both of them worked on Kamara’s plan for a major cultural complex in Niamey, the capital of Niger—a country in West Africa—a city with few public community buildings. Adjaye wanted her to have full control over the project, which was largely based on her own ideas, but he offered advice and guidance to shape and strengthen her thought process. As a result, the project, which will involve the local community and be built in a sustainabl­e manner using available materials, has been approved by the city’s authoritie­s. It is slated to start constructi­on work this year.

“I feel enormously privileged and grateful. There was just something about both the generosity that David had, and his openness that just made [the whole process] so effortless—he treated me like a colleague,” said Kamara, who noted that Adjaye wanted to hear her views and exchange opinions during the mentorship process, ensuring that it was always a two-way traffic. “The freedom that I enjoyed in approachin­g him when I needed advice about something, or when I wanted to pick his brain [for ideas was amazing]. He created a comfortabl­e, safe environmen­t where we could just talk about work, challenges or different issues we were interested in [such as] history.”

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