Tatler Singapore

Worth The Weight

Long Beach Seafood continues to serve quality and quantity in the tastiest way possible


As early as the 1980s, Long Beach Seafood made its mark as the first restaurant in the country to import premium live seafood. Since then, it has evolved into a brand synonymous with top notch Singaporea­n fare, and a trusted fine-casual dining destinatio­n for locals and tourists alike. And ticking the box for unwavering quality that keep diners coming back for more are dishes like sweet, succulent lobster sashimi; razor clams steamed to perfection with garlic and vermicelli; wild caught live leopard coral grouper that comes fried or steamed with a myriad of spicy, umami marinades; and of course, the history-making black pepper crab.

Another hallmark of quality is the restaurant group’s commitment to sustainabl­e sourcing and environmen­tal stewardshi­p. Long Beach Seafood places paramount importance on responsibl­e fishing practices, guaranteei­ng that the finest, freshest seafood is caught with great respect for the well-being and balance of marine ecosystems. This means that there may be certain seafood options that are occasional­ly unavailabl­e, but there will be equally responsibl­y-caught, in-season alternativ­es to cater to every palate.

Quantity wise, their menus offer an extensive and diverse selection of seafood. And by this we mean there’s not only a wide variety of familiar, exotic and ultra premium seafood to pick from their in-restaurant tanks, but an elaborate selection of cooking styles for daily catch to be prepared with. Their air flown live Australian lobster, for example, comes served in eight ways including baked in Portuguese style, braised with ee fu noodles, in superior stock, or doused in a mouth-watering butter sauce. While their air flown live Alaskan king crab comes in four styles, with discerning diners often opting for the steamed option with hua tiao wine and chicken broth, or the classic white pepper dish where its sweet, juicy flesh is elevated with a luscious earthy-spicy sauce.

Quantity is also served up in the sense of weight. Firstly, because the general pricing paradigm for live seafood fluctuates often due to a number of variables—like seasonalit­y, size and weight—the restaurant has dispelled the practice of categorisi­ng cheap and expensive crabs within the same species, streamlini­ng the costing to pure weight. And secondly, in line with their dedication to ethical sourcing and waste reduction, they do not acquire small crabs, purely to cater to their clientele’s demand for larger, more luxurious servings.

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 ?? ?? Clockwise from right: Australian lobster sashimi; Australian golden stripe lobster
Clockwise from right: Australian lobster sashimi; Australian golden stripe lobster

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