The Business Times

Five-room resale flat in Bukit Merah goes for record S$1.59m

- By Michelle Zhu michellezh­

A FIVE-ROOM flat in Boon Tiong Road in Bukit Merah has changed hands at S$1,588,000, making it the priciest Housing and Developmen­t Board (HDB) unit resold in Singapore to date.

This is according to Propnex Realty, who on Tuesday (Apr 30) announced that one of its property agents oversaw the unit’s transactio­n on Apr 28.

The real estate agency added that the price “smashed” the previous record of about S$1,569,000 achieved for the resale of a fiveroom Design, Build and Sell Scheme flat in Lorong 1A Toa Payoh in January 2024.

Located above the 35th floor of the 40-storey 9B Boon Tiong Road, the 112-square-metre resale flat has a 99-year lease commencing from January 2016. The unit is part of the HDB project known as Tiong Bahru View, which comprises blocks 9A, 9B, 10A and 10B.

Checking all the boxes

Lim Yong Hock, Propnex’s key executive officer, said that the unit “essentiall­y checks all the boxes” given its “top attributes” of proximity to the city, being on a high floor, and having a relatively lengthy lease balance.

“Furthermor­e, we also observe steady demand for five-room resale flats in city-fringe locations, as five-room flats are typically not offered in HDB’S Build-to-order projects in choice locations closer to the city.”

Tiong Bahru View is the replacemen­t housing site under Singapore’s selective en bloc redevelopm­ent scheme for blocks at 110, 111, 113 and 114 Bukit Merah View, which have since been demolished.

Propnex said that the transactio­n of the S$1.59 million resale flat is yet to be reflected in HDB data as at Apr 30, which indicates there are 43 HDB flats in Tiong Bahru View sold for at least S$1 million since July 2018.

At 9B Boon Tiong Road alone, 13 million-dollar resale flats were sold, specifical­ly three four-roomers and 10 five-roomers excluding the latest record-breaking deal.

Propnex noted that the 10 units of five-room resale flats at Block 9B had fetched prices ranging between S$1.05 million and S$1.4 million.

Prior to the latest transactio­n at 9B Boon Tiong Road, three other HDB flats had been resold for S$1.5 million, two of which are located in Toa Payoh and were resold in January 2024. Another is an adjoined flat in Moh Guan Terrace in Bukit Merah transacted in June 2023.

Continued increase

Propnex has observed a continued increase in million-dollar resale flats in recent years, and said that it anticipate­s such transactio­ns to remain elevated in 2024 to potentiall­y surpass 2023 when 469 milliondol­lar HDB units were resold.

Lim remarked that recent million-dollar flat resale deals “still accounted for a small fraction” of overall HDB resale flat transactio­ns.

The general demand for HDB resale flats also remains “healthy”, in his view. “For the whole of 2024, we are projecting HDB resale volume to trend at around 26,000 to 27,000 units,” added the key executive.

 ?? PHOTO: GOOGLE MAPS ?? Located on a storey above the 35th floor at block 9B Boon Tiong Road, the 112-squaremetr­e resale flat has a 99-year lease commencing from January 2016.
PHOTO: GOOGLE MAPS Located on a storey above the 35th floor at block 9B Boon Tiong Road, the 112-squaremetr­e resale flat has a 99-year lease commencing from January 2016.

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