The Business Times

Optus names National Broadband Network’s CEO as incoming chief

Appointmen­t expected to lift service standards for the benefit of its customers

- michellezh­ By Michelle Zhu

SINGTEL’S Australian subsidiary, Optus, has appointed Stephen Rue as its new chief executive officer (CEO), effective November 2024.

He is CEO of Australia’s National Broadband Network – a role which he has held since 2018. Before that, since 2014, he was the chief financial officer of the national wholesale open-access data network.

On Monday (May 6), Optus said his appointmen­t comes after an “extensive internal, external and internatio­nal search”.

“Stephen was chosen after a rigorous process that involved a slate of high-quality candidates… We expect his operationa­l and financial background to lift service standards significan­tly for the benefit of our customers,” said Optus chairman Paul O’sullivan.

Until Rue comes onboard, Michael Venter will continue to function as Optus’ interim chief – a role he took on in November 2023.

Venter’s appointmen­t came shortly after the resignatio­n of Kelly Bayer Rosmarin following a network-wide outage that affected over 10 million Optus customers. The company was also recently fined A$1.5 million (S$1.3 million) by the Australian authoritie­s in relation to the incident.

“He has been unstinting in his efforts to rebuild customer trust and strengthen the business, and will remain an asset to Optus going forward,” said O’sullivan of Venter.

Once the leadership change takes effect, Rue and other Optus executives will report to the Optus board, which includes Singtel group CEO Yuen Kuan Moon as well as Venter.

Optus said its board and executives will work together to “reset strategy and rebuild customer trust in the Optus brand”.

In a statement, Yuen highlighte­d Optus’ role in the Singtel stable for the past two decades, reiteratin­g that the subsidiary remains a strategic long-term commitment.

Singtel has repeatedly emphasised its commitment to Optus amid media speculatio­n that the telecommun­ications group was in talks to sell its stake in Optus, and earlier this year, the Australian unit’s enterprise business.

Rue’s appointmen­t also coincides with Singtel’s 2022 move to introduce a new governance model that adopts a decentrali­sed, company-driven operating structure.

“In today’s uncertain economic environmen­t, businesses need greater independen­ce and agility to better navigate the market, and we believe the new governance model will set the Optus management up for success and help Optus restore and cement its position as a leading player in the Australian telecommun­ications market,” said Singtel’s Yuen.

Shares of Singtel ended Monday unchanged at S$2.38.

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