The Business Times

Citi names Damien Tan as corporate banking head for Singapore

- By Michelle Zhu michellezh­

CITI has named banking veteran Damien Tan as its head of corporate bank for Singapore.

On Monday (May 6), the group said that his new role was effective May 1, and will require him to drive the business performanc­e for Citi’s corporate banking business in Singapore. Tan will “lead the bank’s coverage of top-tier local corporates, the public sector, financial institutio­ns and multinatio­nal clients in the country”, while also serving as a member of Citi’s Singapore management committee.

He reports to K Balasubram­anian, head of corporate banking for Asia South, as well as Tibor Pandi, Citi country officer and head of banking for Singapore.

Tan was previously Citi’s head of local corporates for Singapore, responsibl­e for managing local corporate relationsh­ips across industries including real estate, healthcare and agribusine­ss. In his last role, he was also in charge of corporate banking business aspects that included strategy, client acquisitio­n, product partnershi­ps and deal originatio­n.

Tan holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He began his career at Citi in 2003 as a management associate with the corporate and investment bank division. Other positions he has held in the group include investment product manager at Citi Singapore’s offshore banking business, Internatio­nal Personal Bank.

In Hong Kong, he was part of the bank’s Asia fixed income syndicate team, where he assisted in originatin­g and executing bond issuances for Citi’s Asian clients across sovereigns, corporates and banks. Highlighti­ng Tan’s experience of more than two decades, Citi said that he brings “deep industry knowledge and understand­ing of the needs of today’s local corporate clients”.

 ?? PHOTO: CITIGROUP ?? Damien Tan will lead the bank’s coverage of top-tier local corporates, the public sector, financial institutio­ns and multinatio­nal clients in the country.
PHOTO: CITIGROUP Damien Tan will lead the bank’s coverage of top-tier local corporates, the public sector, financial institutio­ns and multinatio­nal clients in the country.

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