The Business Times

United Hampshire US Reit reports 19% lower distributa­ble income of US$6.4M

- By Michelle Zhu michellezh­

THE distributa­ble income of United Hampshire US real estate investment trust (United Hampshire US Reit) fell 19 per cent year on year to US$6.4 million, due to higher interest expenses and the refinancin­g of a maturing loan.

On Friday (May 10), its manager said the decline in distributa­ble income was also partly due to less-favourable new interest-rate hedges, which replaced maturing hedges. Gross revenue for the quarter grew 2.3 per cent to US$18.5 million, while net property income was down 1.3 per cent to US$12.7 million.

United Hampshire US Reit’s manager noted a “resilient” operationa­l performanc­e for the quarter, mainly due to new leases and higher rentals from existing leases.

This was in addition to rental revenue contributi­ons from a new sportsbran­ded store in its St Lucie West asset, offset in part by the absence of rental

revenue from Big Pine Center, which the Reit divested in August 2023.

As at end-march 2024, the Reit’s grocery and necessity portfolio of properties had a committed occupancy rate of 95.7 per cent.

The average occupancy at the selfstorag­e portfolio was 94.2 per cent.

Its overall portfolio weighted average lease expiry stood at 7.9 years, up from 7.1 years in Q4 2023.

The manager said most of the leases were “substantia­lly triple-net”, with built-in rental escalation­s over the lease terms, which had helped to offset inflationa­ry pressures and increased costs.

It also noted that the Reit achieved eight lease renewals in Q1 for a total of 318,000 square feet.

For the quarter ended March 2024, the Reit’s weighted average interest rate was 4.66 per cent; its gearing stood at 42.2 per cent, with an interest coverage ratio of 2.6 times.

Citing ongoing geopolitic­al tensions and persistent inflation, the Reit manager said a higher-for-longer interest rate environmen­t “remains a possibilit­y”.

“The manager will be nimble, proactive and focused on strengthen­ing United Hampshire US Reit’s income streams and balance sheet by evaluating asset enhancemen­t and developmen­t initiative­s, as well as selective divestment and capital recycling and optimisati­on opportunit­ies,” it added.

Units of United Hampshire US Reit ended 1.2 per cent or US$0.005 lower at US$0.42 on Friday.

 ?? PHOTO: UNITED HAMPSHIRE US REIT ?? United Hampshire Reit's Hudson Valley Plaza property in New York. The Reit's Q1 gross revenue is up 2.3% to US$18.5M.
PHOTO: UNITED HAMPSHIRE US REIT United Hampshire Reit's Hudson Valley Plaza property in New York. The Reit's Q1 gross revenue is up 2.3% to US$18.5M.

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