The Business Times

CAAS, Iata to develop sustainabl­e aviation fuel registry

- By Mia Pei

THE Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) will collaborat­e with the Internatio­nal Air Transport Associatio­n (Iata) to develop a globally recognised sustainabl­e aviation fuel registry, accelerati­ng the adoption of such alternativ­e fuels in Singapore.

Expected to launch in the first quarter of 2025, the platform will track, record and account for the emission reductions from the use of sustainabl­e aviation fuel, CAAS said on Tuesday (Jun 4).

The aviation authority noted that the platform will be developed with an interopera­ble accounting and reporting system.

It will also align with internatio­nally recognised sustainabi­lity standards, such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for Internatio­nal Aviation developed by the Internatio­nal Civil Aviation Organizati­on.

“Such a platform allows CAAS to accurately account for the type and quantity of sustainabl­e aviation fuel purchased, generate sustainabl­e aviation fuel credits, and allocate these credits back to the airlines based on the levies collected under the sustainabl­e aviation fuel target and to businesses and organisati­ons based on the amount of sustainabl­e aviation fuel bought voluntaril­y,” it added.

CAAS launched the Singapore Sustainabl­e Air Hub Blueprint in February, requiring flights departing Singapore to use sustainabl­e aviation fuel starting in 2026.

Han Kok Juan, director-general of CAAS, noted that the developmen­t of such a registry will be a “critical enabler” for the implementa­tion of the Republic’s national sustainabl­e aviation fuel target in 2026.

Iata is developing the registry as part of the global effort to drive sustainabl­e aviation fuel adoption, in consultati­on with various stakeholde­rs.

“The participat­ion of government authoritie­s, including CAAS, aims to ensure that the registry meets the requiremen­ts of civil aviation authoritie­s,” Singapore’s aviation authority said.

CAAS’ collaborat­ion with Iata on the registry is one of the initiative­s under the memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) between both parties inked earlier this year.

The MOU aims to strengthen collaborat­ion to support the growth of aviation in Singapore and the Asia-pacific region.

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