The Business Times

Capitaland Ascott Trust fully acquires US student accommodat­ion property

- By Hykel Quek

CAPITALAND Ascott Trust (Clas) has acquired the remaining 10 per cent stake in a 678-bed freehold student accommodat­ion property in South Carolina.

On Tuesday (Jun 4), its managers said they expect the acquisitio­n to generate an earnings before interest, taxes, depreciati­on, and amortisati­on (Ebitda) yield on total developmen­t costs of about 7 per cent.

They also noted that this is higher than the 6.2 per cent Ebitda yield that was first estimated in 2021, assuming the portfolio’s stable performanc­e.

The acquisitio­n was funded by proceeds from Clas’ earlier divestment­s.

Known as Standard at Columbia,

the property serves over 35,000 students from the University of South Carolina.

Clas and its sponsor, The Ascott Ltd, jointly acquired a 90 per cent stake in Standard at Columbia in June 2021 on a 50:50 ownership basis to develop the property. The Ascott’s 45 per cent stake was subsequent­ly acquired by Clas in November 2022.

Standard at Columbia started operating in August 2023 with an occupancy rate of over 90 per cent.

As at end-may 2024, the property’s pre-leasing occupancy rate was 99 per cent for the upcoming academic year.

“With an average length of stay of about one year, student accommodat­ion properties enhance Clas’ stable income stream and strengthen our portfolio’s resilience

against macroecono­mic uncertaint­ies,” the managers’ chief executive officer Serena Teo said.

The recent acquisitio­n takes Clas’ total portfolio value in longerstay assets, such as student accommodat­ion and rental housing properties, to 17 per cent.

The stapled group expanded into the student accommodat­ion segment in January 2021.

It has nine operating student accommodat­ion properties, with eight properties in the US and one in Japan, totalling more than 4,500 beds.

Stapled securities of Clas ended flat at S$0.895 on Tuesday.

 ?? PHOTO: CAPITALAND ASCOTT TRUST ?? Standard at Columbia serves over 35,000 students from the University of South Carolina. It started operating in August 2023 with an occupancy rate of over 90%.
PHOTO: CAPITALAND ASCOTT TRUST Standard at Columbia serves over 35,000 students from the University of South Carolina. It started operating in August 2023 with an occupancy rate of over 90%.

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