The Business Times

Human capital for the age of generative AI

Adoption of the technology could help suitably qualified workers climb the wage ladder.


While automation has squeezed workers for decades, gen AI heralds a significan­t accelerati­on and gut-wrenching change for many people who assumed their careers were stable.

GENERATIVE artificial intelligen­ce (gen AI) has captured the world’s imaginatio­n because it appears likely to automate tasks that previously required advanced cognitive skills. With it, there is a real prospect that many highly educated and experience­d workers may be replaced by algorithms. What happens when machines come for the jobs not of handloom weavers and autoworker­s, but of scriptwrit­ers, lawyers, middle managers and even high-level executives?

One response is to think that skills no longer matter, or even that we should deemphasis­e education.

On the contrary, while the potential for increased productivi­ty (and higher incomes for all) through human-machine interactio­n has never been greater, we humans will need to up our game. We must get better at everything the computers struggle with, including understand­ing context, thinking outside the box and managing relationsh­ips with other humans. According to a recent report from the Mckinsey Global Institute, up to 30 per cent of current work hours in industrial­ised countries could be automated by 2030, under a scenario of moderate automation. While automation has squeezed workers for decades, gen AI heralds a significan­t accelerati­on and gut-wrenching change for many people who assumed their careers were stable. In the United States and European Union, the number of people employed as office workers in manufactur­ing and as customer service representa­tives will almost certainly decline as gen AI takes hold. (The report considers nine EU countries – the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherland­s, Poland, Spain and Sweden – representi­ng 75 per cent of the European working population, as well as the United Kingdom). But the news is not all bad. The report estimates that demand for workers in healthcare, clean energy and other high-skill profession­s (such as scientific research and developmen­t) is likely to rise in those same countries. Of course, there are other factors at work here, including efforts to achieve netzero emissions (important for new job creation across all industrial­ised countries), an aging workforce (particular­ly in Europe), the continuing expansion of private sector e-commerce, and the strengthen­ing of government-financed infrastruc­ture. Rather than mass unemployme­nt, the most likely outcome is that many people will soon face pressure to change jobs. Under reasonable assumption­s, Europe could experience up to 12 million occupation­al transition­s over the next six years. While the projected annual occupation­al transition rate (0.8 per cent of employed people) is lower than the relatively high rate observed in Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic (1.2 per cent), it is twice as high as the pre-pandemic norm (0.4 per cent). In the US, employment transition­s over the same period could also reach almost 12 million, although this seems more manageable, as the country already had an elevated pre-pandemic transition rate (1.2 per cent) compared to Europe. Executives on both sides of the Atlantic are already concerned about existing skill shortages and mismatches in a tight labour market. It is good news for suitably qualified humans if demand for social and emotional skills rises with the new technologi­es. The more than 1,100 executives that the Mckinsey team surveyed in Europe and the US not only stressed the need for advanced informatio­n technology and data analytics skills, but also for more workers who are competent in critical thinking, creativity and “teaching and training”. The wage implicatio­ns are likely to be significan­t. Demand for labour will shift towards occupation­s that already have higher wages in both Europe and the US. And there is a real risk of some employment reduction in lower-wage, white-collar occupation­s. These workers will need to acquire new skills to obtain better-paying work. If they can acquire these skills – by themselves, through employers, or with the assistance of government – they will have an opportunit­y to climb the wage ladder. But, there is a real risk of an even more polarised labour market, in which there are more high-wage job openings than qualified workers (further driving up the top wages), and many more workers compete for increasing­ly limited lower-wage positions (further driving down the lower end of the wage distributi­on). This outcome would be a disappoint­ing reversal of the reduced wage inequality in the post-pandemic labour market. Fortunatel­y, it is avoidable. For policymake­rs, the major takeaway is that human capital matters more than ever for national competitiv­eness and shared prosperity. Some manual jobs will remain with humans (robots have a relatively hard time with many basic mobility and cleaning tasks). But executives are currently convinced they need to retrain many workers in order to meet all their skill needs. Public policy should encourage employers as much as possible to maintain this dispositio­n and reskill workers, rather than replace them. Significan­tly faster productivi­ty growth, especially in Europe, and shared prosperity can flow from new technology, but only if its adoption is accompanie­d by upgraded human skills and more proactive worker redeployme­nt. To achieve this in the age of gen AI, executives should be as candid as possible about nascent skills gaps, and government­s should focus on making it as easy as possible for all workers to upgrade their skills in a timely and appropriat­e fashion. Simon Johnson, a former chief economist at the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, is a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and a co-author (with Daron Acemoglu) of Power and Progress: Our Thousand-year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity (Publicaffa­irs, 2023). Eric Hazan is a senior partner with Mckinsey & Co and a member of the Mckinsey Global Institute Council.

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