The Business Times

More Asian nations want to join Putin and Xi in expanded Brics

Malaysia, Thailand have announced intention to enter the economic bloc


AS RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Li Qiang wrapped up separate meetings in South-east Asia this week, the two partners in the Brics economic bloc encountere­d a region keen to join a group seen as a hedge against Western-led institutio­ns.

During an interview with Chinese media ahead of Li’s visit to Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim declared his intention to apply to the bloc after it doubled in size this year by luring Global South nations – partly by offering access to financing but also by providing a political venue independen­t of Washington’s influence.

Thailand – a US treaty ally – last month announced its own bid to join Brics, named after members Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The bloc “represents a south-south cooperativ­e framework which Thailand has long desired to be a part of”, Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampon­gsa told re- porters last week.

Frustratio­n with institutio­ns

For countries seeking to mitigate the economic risks of intensifyi­ng Us-china competitio­n, joining Brics is an attempt to straddle some of those tensions. But it’s also a way of signalling increasing frustratio­n with the Us-led internatio­nal order and key institutio­ns that remain firmly in the control of Western powers, like the World Bank and Internatio­nal Monetary Fund.

“Some of us, including people like myself, think that we need to find solutions to the unfair internatio­nal financial and economic architectu­re,” former Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah said in an interview. “So Brics would probably be one of the ways to balance some things.”

For Putin and Xi, the interest in Brics also shows their success at pushing back at attempts by the US and its allies to isolate them more broadly over the war in Ukraine and military threats to Taiwan, the Philippine­s, South Korea and Japan.

Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy struggled to convince Asian nations to back his peace summit in Switzerlan­d earlier this month, and Putin this week signed a defence pact with North Korea while warning he had the right to arm US adversarie­s around the world.

A club that for years consisted of just five members expanded to nine with the inclusion of Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Egypt this January. That was a push largely driven by China as it tries to increase its clout on the global stage.

Another South-east Asian nation, Indonesia, was considered an early favourite to join last year before President Joko Widodo indicated he would not be rushed into the decision.

Still, the momentum to add new members has continued. Despite US and European efforts to prevent countries from dealing with Moscow, representa­tives from 12 non-member nations appeared at a Brics Dialogue in Russia this month. They included longtime US foes such as Cuba and Venezuela, but also nations such as Turkey, Laos, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Kazakhstan.

Also present was Vietnam, which last year upgraded ties with Washington in a move seen as pushback on Beijing’s rising influence in the region. Hanoi has been following the grouping’s progress with “keen interest”, as state broadcaste­r Voice of Vietnam put it last month.

“Vietnam is always ready to participat­e in and contribute actively to global and regional multilater­al mechanisms,” Foreign Ministry spokespers­on Pham Thu Hang said at the time.

Vietnam welcomed Russia’s leader this week despite strong objections from the US on the grounds that “no country should give Putin a platform to promote his war of aggression” in Ukraine. Vietnam and Russia have ties going back to the Cold War and Soviet era.

In their joint statement issued at the conclusion of their talks, Russia welcomed Vietnam’s participat­ion in the dialogue earlier this month and said they would “continue to strengthen ties between the Brics countries and developing countries, including Vietnam”.

It was not clear how much Brics was part of Putin’s closed-door talks in Vietnam, though the two nations pledged to boost defence and energy cooperatio­n. China’s Li used his trip to Malaysia deepen trade and economic ties and advance constructi­on of major projects.

Unwieldy group

After this year’s expansion, Brics plans to invite non-member countries to take part in its next summit in the Russian city of Kazan in October. Just hosting the event gives Moscow a chance to showcase to the world that it isn’t totally isolated by Western opposition to the war in Ukraine.

“It’s no secret that Washington doesn’t love the Brics, particular­ly with Iran and Russia’s membership,” said Scot Marciel, a former US ambassador to Indonesia, Myanmar and the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).

At the same time, the larger the bloc grows, the less likely it is to find consensus on key issues, he said. “My sense is, Washington is probably not applauding the move by Thailand and Malaysia to join it, but I don’t think it’s going to cause massive heartburn.”

The potential benefits for joining Brics go beyond geopolitic­s.

The bloc’s members have agreed to pool US$100 billion of foreign-currency reserves, which they can lend to each other during emergencie­s. The group also founded the New Developmen­t Bank – a World Bank-modelled institutio­n that has approved almost US$33 billion of loans mainly for water, transport and other infrastruc­ture projects since it began operations in 2015.

That investment pool would be useful in South-east Asia, where official developmen­t finance dwindled to a low of US$26 billion in 2022, according to a report this month by the Sydney-based Lowy Institute.

Another draw to membership, Malaysia’s Saifuddin said, is the residual negative sentiment towards institutio­ns like the IMF, which pushed austerity measures sometimes blamed in the region for worsening the economic hardship caused by the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.

Washington is not sitting still. It has deepened security links in the region on matters such as counter-terrorism, and with countries like Vietnam and the Philippine­s who are increasing­ly worried about their disputes with Beijing in the South China Sea.

But as the great power competitio­n intensifie­s across the board, there is also a recognitio­n the region needs to hedge its bets. “There is increasing­ly less space for smaller countries to manoeuvre,” Ong Keng Yong, the former secretary-general of Asean said in an interview. “By joining organisati­ons like Brics, countries are signalling that they want to be friendly to all sides, not just to the US and its allies.”

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? The potential benefits for joining Brics go beyond geopolitic­s. The bloc’s members have agreed to pool US$100B of foreign-currency reserves, which they can lend to each other during emergencie­s.
PHOTO: REUTERS The potential benefits for joining Brics go beyond geopolitic­s. The bloc’s members have agreed to pool US$100B of foreign-currency reserves, which they can lend to each other during emergencie­s.

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