The Edge Singapore

What economists still need to learn


Macroecono­mics was one of the casualties of the 2008 global financial crisis. Convention­al macroecono­mic models failed to predict the calamity or to provide a coherent explanatio­n for it, and thus were unable to offer guidance on how to repair the damage. Despite this, much of the profession remains in denial, hankering for a return to “normal” and in effect treating the crisis as just a rude interrupti­on.

That needs to change. Although an economic recovery has taken root, its structural fragilitie­s suggest that macroecono­mics is still in pressing need of an overhaul. Three sets of lessons from the past decade stand out.

First, the presumptio­n that economies are self-correcting, while tempting in good times, is unfounded and can have catastroph­ic consequenc­es. The recovery of the past few years has lulled many into a false sense of security, because it was the result of unconventi­onal policy responses that transcende­d mainstream “general equilibriu­m” thinking.

Moreover, pre-crisis economic models

are struggling to cope with the disruption unleashed by emerging digital technologi­es. The digital economy is characteri­sed by increasing returns to scale, whereby Big Tech companies rapidly exploit network effects to dominate a growing array of markets. This has upended incumbent business models and transforme­d behaviour in ways that have left macroecono­mists and policymake­rs struggling — and mostly failing — to keep pace.

Consequent­ly, the widespread belief that economic activity will follow a regular cycle around a stable growth trend is not very helpful beyond the very short term. Rather, the economic disruption­s we are experienci­ng highlight an obvious fact, but one that prevailing models assume away: The future is fundamenta­lly uncertain, and not all risks are quantifiab­le.

Precisely for that reason, we should reject the notion that emerged in the aftermath of the crisis that the world would enter a “new normal”. In the face of evolving structural shifts in finance, technology, society and politics, it is far more useful to think in terms of a “new abnormal”, in which economies are characteri­sed by actual or latent structural instabilit­y.

The second lesson from the crisis is that balance sheets matter. The financiali­sation of the global economy leaves national economies vulnerable to major correction­s in asset prices that can render debt unservicea­ble. Macroecono­mic models that focus on flows of income and spending ignore the critical role played by such wealth effects. Compoundin­g the problem, these models are unable to predict asset prices, because the latter reflect investors’ beliefs about future returns and risks. In other words, asset prices are hard to forecast because they are themselves forecasts.

Moreover, financial reregulati­on since the crisis has not necessaril­y solved the balance-sheet problem. True, individual banks have become more resilient as a result of having to raise their capital and liquidity buffers substantia­lly. But years of unpreceden­ted monetary easing and largescale asset purchases by central banks have encouraged risk-taking across the economic and financial system in ways that are harder to track and predict. In addition, policymake­rs’ determinat­ion to limit taxpayers’ exposure when financial institutio­ns fail has led to risks being shifted onto investors through the use of instrument­s such as “bail-in-able” bonds. The systemic effects of such ongoing regulatory changes will not be clear until the next recession strikes.

There is also a growing recognitio­n that financial balance sheets are not the only type that matter. As climate change and environmen­tal degradatio­n move up the political agenda, macroecono­mists are beginning to appreciate the importance of other, less volatile forms of capital for sustainabl­e growth and well-being. In particular, they need to understand better the interactio­n of produced capital, whether tangible or intangible; human capital, including skills and knowledge; and natural capital, which includes the renewable and non-renewable resources and environmen­t that support life.

Lastly, macroecono­mists must recognise that distributi­on matters. Trying to model households’ economic behaviour on the basis of a single “representa­tive agent” elides crucial difference­s in the experience­s and behaviour of people in different income and wealth brackets.

The fact that the rich disproport­ionately benefited from globalisat­ion and new technologi­es, not to mention from central banks’ successful efforts to boost equity and bond prices after 2009, has arguably been a drag on growth. What is certain is that widening inequality has dramatical­ly reduced support for mainstream politician­s in favour of populists and nationalis­ts, in turn corroding the previous policy consensus that sustained fiscal probity, independen­t monetary policy, free trade and the liberal movement of capital and labour.

The global backlash against the economic and political status quo has also targeted big business. In the immediate aftermath of the crisis, financial institutio­ns were in the firing line. But popular anger has since morphed into a general scepticism about corporate behaviour, with the tech giants coming under particular scrutiny for alleged abuses of user data and monopoly power.

It would be too simplistic to view these tensions as the result of resentment towards the top 1%. There are substantia­l divisions within the remaining 99% between winners and losers from globalisat­ion. Moreover, divisions between countries have intensifie­d as populists and nationalis­ts blame foreigners for domestic economic and social problems.

This has contribute­d to wider questionin­g of globalisat­ion and internatio­nal trade, investment and tax rules. Changes in global governance arrangemen­ts may disrupt business models, transform the institutio­nal framework and add a fresh layer of uncertaint­y to the economic outlook.

The macroecono­mics profession has yet to come to terms with the most important lessons of the past decade. And without a new consensus on how to manage uncertaint­y, the world is uncomforta­bly vulnerable to fresh economic, social and political shocks. Sadly, another crisis may be needed to force economists to abandon their outmoded ways. — E

Mark Cliffe is chief economist and head of global research at ING Group

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