The Edge Singapore

Financial stability should be central banking’s prime objective

- BY WILLEM H BUITER Willem H Buiter, a former chief economist at Citigroup, is an adjunct professor at Columbia University

Most modern central banks regard macroecono­mic stability — meaning price stability or, in some cases, price stability alongside full employment — as their main goal. But the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank seem to be running out of tools with which to pursue this goal effectivel­y. And the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve could soon find themselves in a similar position. Whenever the next cyclical downturn arrives, the effective lower bound on the policy rate will once again become a binding constraint on monetary policymaki­ng (a situation known as a “liquidity trap”).

That’s the bad news. The good news is that the major central banks are still adequately equipped to achieve their single-most important objective: financial stability. When the next financial crisis hits, central banks should still be able to provide sufficient emergency funding liquidity as the lenders of last resort (LLR), and emergency market liquidity as the market makers or buyers of last resort (MMLR).

There are two reasons why financial stability is — or should be — a central bank’s primary objective. For starters, the economic damage caused by a financial crisis can easily dwarf the losses stemming from a broader business-cycle downturn. Second, financial stability is itself a necessary condition for macroecono­mic stability more generally. Obviously, financial explosions and implosions are not particular­ly conducive to the pursuit of stable prices and full employment.

To say that financial stability is a central bank’s overriding objective is not to argue that policy rates (or the size and compositio­n of the central bank’s balance sheet) should be used to lean against the financial winds. For reasons outlined by Jeremy Stein of Harvard University, I personally support raising policy rates when credit growth and asset prices are buoyant, leverage is increasing and risk premia are compressed, and cutting them when the financial cycle goes into reverse.

There is an alternativ­e, though. Rather than using policy rates to lean against the wind, a central bank can pursue a countercyc­lical macroprude­ntial policy. This approach can be either lender-based, through the introducti­on of countercyc­lical capital buffers and liquidity requiremen­ts, or borrower-based, using countercyc­lical loan-to-value, loan-to-income or debt-service-to-income ratios. But, either way, all countercyc­lical macroprude­ntial instrument­s involve regulatory regimes. And, unlike interest rates, which reach everywhere, rules and regulation­s can and will be arbitraged. Moreover, countercyc­lical macroprude­ntial policy instrument­s are merely preventive. Once a financial crisis has erupted, they will have little to no traction.

A financial crisis is best understood as a breakdown in confidence. Lenders cut back on new lending and refuse to roll over maturing loans because they fear that borrowers may be unable to service their debt obligation­s. Borrowers respond with distress sales of illiquid assets — often rendered more illiquid by the same lack of confidence in counterpar­ties’ solvency that triggered the credit crunch in the first place. This lack of funding and market liquidity then results in further distress sales that depress asset prices throughout the economy. This is where the central bank steps in as the LLR and MMLR, providing funding liquidity and boosting illiquid asset markets at prices that are purged of the panic discount.

For central banks to be able to act as LLR and MMLR, the financial instrument­s they purchase and the loans they provide must be denominate­d in their “own” currency. A central bank that cannot print euros, sterling or US dollars cannot act as LLR and MMLR if the banks it is responsibl­e for have assets and liabilitie­s denominate­d in those currencies. Iceland discovered this, much to its detriment, in 2008 to 2009.

In late 2008, the Fed prevented a North Atlantic financial crisis from becoming a much larger global disaster by extending dollar swap lines to the ECB and the Bank of England (among other central banks). It is essential that similar swap lines for the dollar and other leading currencies be made available the next time a global or regional financial crisis erupts. A chaotic “no-deal” Brexit could provide another test of whether a network of swap lines can effectivel­y mimic a global LLR and MMLR. The Fed’s failure to make US dollar swap lines available to the afflicted emerging-market central banks during the 2013 “taper tantrum” did not inspire confidence on this front.

More to the point, a central bank can act as LLR and MMLR only if laws and regulation­s permit it to do so. Amazingly, the US Congress has restricted the Fed’s ability to come to the aid of troubled financial institutio­ns that have lost access to external funding markets. Owing to the 2010 DoddFrank Act, the Fed can issue emergency collateral­ised funding only to at least five eligible institutio­ns — something of a problem if only your four largest banks are in trouble — and it must confirm that a counterpar­ty is financiall­y viable before any funding can be made available. But the task of establishi­ng whether a troubled entity is viable is best left for after financial order has been restored. As the term implies, “emergency” liquidity must be made available to systemical­ly important financial institutio­ns immediatel­y — even when they are insolvent and in resolution.

In any case, the countercyc­lical pursuit of price stability and/or full employment during cyclical downturns now seems destined for an extended involuntar­y holiday. Unless government­s come to the rescue with intelligen­tly designed countercyc­lical fiscal and supply-side policies, the major advanced economies are likely to embark on a long spell of classic, unadultera­ted cyclical downturns. In principle, central banks still have all the tools necessary to prevent a financial crisis — that is, a crisis of confidence — from turning into a financial massacre, provided that currency swap lines are effective. Laws, rules and regulation­s must not stand in the way of central banks’ ability to perform their duties as LLR and MMLR. E

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