The Edge Singapore

Can a political-economy vicious circle be avoided?

- BY LAWRENCE H SUMMERS Lawrence H Summers was US Secretary of the Treasury (1999-2001), director of the US National Economic Council (2009-2010), and president of Harvard University (20012006), where he is currently university professor

Domestic politics, geopolitic­s and economics will be intertwine­d in 2020 to an extent unmatched in decades. Weak economic performanc­e and problemati­c governance in much of the world risk setting in motion a vicious circle: Adverse economic outcomes lead to populism at home and truculent nationalis­m abroad, which in turn exacerbate economic problems as protection­ism increases, investment declines and consumer confidence falls off. Bad economics drives bad politics, leading to worse economics and worse politics.

Both the bad news and the good news is that economics and politics will start 2020 in a parlous state. The global economy could fall into recession, and the risk of major political or even military confrontat­ion is higher than it has been since the end of the Cold War. From a more optimistic perspectiv­e, with expectatio­ns very low, it will not take much to generate positive surprises that could lead to a virtuous circle of economic improvemen­t and less toxic politics.

Start with the economics. The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund has coined the term “synchronis­ed slowdown” to refer to our current predicamen­t: Growth is decelerati­ng in 90% of the world economy and is expected to be slower overall than at anytime since the financial crisis. It is a euphemism for the secular stagnation that increasing­ly characteri­ses the global economy. In the current climate of slow population growth, rising inequality and high uncertaint­y about the absorption of saving are a defining problem.

Just as in the 1930s, the advanced economies are incapable of sustained growth at healthy rates with a sound financial and policy foundation. Markets expect that central banks will fail to achieve their 2% inflation targets over the next decade. Even to achieve what electorate­s see as inadequate growth in middle-class standards of living, the world has had to issue US$15 trillion ($20.3 trillion) in negative interest-rate debt, run unpreceden­tedly large peacetime budget deficits and allow various financial excesses to go unchecked.

While emerging markets represent a far larger share of the global economy than they have historical­ly done, and came through the financial crisis with more resilience than most would have expected, their success remains dependent on the developed countries. The most successful emerging-market growth trajectori­es have been based on exports of manufactur­ed goods to growing developed economies. A combinatio­n of slowing growth, reshoring of manufactur­ing and rising protection­ism means that this route to growth will be increasing­ly difficult in the years ahead. Forecasts of emerging-market growth have been consistent­ly too optimistic in recent years, and I fear this will continue. China, in particular, faces profound structural challenges in the years ahead.

‘Don’t do stupid shit’

Judged purely on their own terms, these economic challenges would be considered serious, though perhaps not more so than the oil shocks or great inflation or financial crises of the past. What makes the current challenges worse is the deteriorat­ion almost everywhere in the capacity for a reasoned response. Under President Donald Trump, the US, which underwrote the internatio­nal system that won the Cold War and allowed emerging markets to converge towards developed-country living standards, has embraced an atavistic notion of perpetual struggle between nation-states and is leading a worldwide retreat from global integratio­n. Whether the issue is trade agreements, cooperatio­n on issues such as climate change or support for human rights, the US is reliably absent.

It is tempting to blame Trump, and he has rarely if ever missed a chance to blunder. But it should be remembered that until Trump withdrew the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade deal, more Democrats than Republican­s opposed the TPP, and that the Democrats’ presidenti­al candidate in the 2020 election is likely to attack Trump’s policies towards China as overly conciliato­ry. In a sense, the post-World War II consensus on US leadership ended with former president Barack Obama’s observatio­n that his grand strategy could be boiled down to “don’t do stupid shit”.

More fundamenta­lly, the nationalis­t turn we have seen in the US is just one manifestat­ion of a global trend that encompasse­s Brexit; populist government­s in Italy, Hungary, Poland, Mexico, Brazil and the Philippine­s; and rising ethnic nationalis­m in Turkey, India and China, not to mention Russia after 20 years of Vladimir Putin’s rule. Decision-making based on reason, sound economics and internatio­nal cooperatio­n is being overwhelme­d by a wave of popular anger and nationalis­t fantasy.

More resistance to globally integrated markets, reduced foreign investment and less internatio­nal cooperatio­n can only mean slower economic growth and more insecurity and frustratio­n for working people. They will then be much more likely to rally behind those with the simplest stories and the most expansive promises than to support a return to centrist cooperativ­e policies. This will only deepen the economic malaise.

These dynamics are not confined to democracie­s. If Russia’s economy were delivering for Russians, there would be much less need for Putin’s increasing concentrat­ion of power. It is no accident that decelerati­ng growth and rising risks to financial instabilit­y in China have coincided with greater repression of dissent, crackdowns on minorities and appeals to nationalis­m. Perhaps the massive military display that accompanie­d the celebratio­ns marking the 70th anniversar­y of the People’s Republic — a spectacle that dwarfed the commemorat­ion of previous anniversar­ies — was as much a reflection of insecurity as of confidence.

US elections’ profound consequenc­es

Worldwide, the single most important choice made in 2020 will be that of US voters in the presidenti­al election. A course correction is more important than at anytime in US history. The US and the world need a new president who prizes community over confrontat­ion in pursuit of inclusive prosperity at home and abroad. This means focusing on necessary public investment­s in infrastruc­ture, education and innovation; making the tax code more efficient and progressiv­e; and focusing businesses on meeting society’s needs rather than fomenting a war between labour and business or the middle class and the rich.

It also means ending the current US trade war against most of the world, ceasing the use of capricious­ness to generate leverage and dropping the use of diplomacy to pursue domestic political aims. The right focus is to restore US alliances, resist protection­ism and join with other countries to address global challenges such as climate change, tax evasion and the regulation of new technologi­es.

A change in what the US exemplifie­s, the policies it pursues and how it influences the rest of the world is probably necessary to avoid a vicious political/economic circle. The degree of change in the global environmen­t after Franklin D Roosevelt’s election during the Great Depression, Ronald Reagan’s election during a period of self-doubt in the West, and Obama’s election after the Iraq War and in the midst of a financial crisis suggests that US elections have profound consequenc­es for the global system. People watch and emulate the city on a hill. For better or worse, that will be true in 2020 as well. —

 ?? REUTERS ?? Chinese militia members march at the military parade marking the 70th anniversar­y of the People’s Republic in Beijing. It is no accident that decelerati­ng growth and rising risks to financial instabilit­y in China have coincided with greater repression of dissent, crackdowns on minorities and appeals to nationalis­m.
REUTERS Chinese militia members march at the military parade marking the 70th anniversar­y of the People’s Republic in Beijing. It is no accident that decelerati­ng growth and rising risks to financial instabilit­y in China have coincided with greater repression of dissent, crackdowns on minorities and appeals to nationalis­m.
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