The Edge Singapore

Manu Bhaskaran: Asean will gain from a Biden presidency

- BY MANU BHASKARAN Manu Bhaskaran is CEO at Centennial Asia Advisors

Three questions emerge from Joe Biden’s election as the 46th President of the US. What will change or not change, what to expect in key areas of geopolitic­s and the economy as a result and what does all this mean for Southeast Asia in particular? On balance, we believe that the changes that President Biden will bring will be largely positive for our region, both in terms of greater regional stability as well as some economic upsides.

What will change? Quite a lot. Biden is vastly different from President Donald Trump in character, experience and political instincts.

The first thing to appreciate is that Biden comes to the presidency with the best foreign policy experience of any new American president since George H.W. Bush entered the White House in 1989. Like all American Presidents, Biden will pursue American interests in a hard-headed manner but he is likely to conduct policy in a more pragmatic way, in greater concert with allies and with much greater depth of understand­ing of foreign policy issues than his predecesso­r.

His 17 years as either Chairman or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations and his eight years as Vice-President have equipped him with a unique understand­ing of America’s place in the world, how it has changed and what needs to be done to preserve American power. He has substantia­l hands-on experience in areas as diverse as negotiatin­g nuclear arms control agreements and managing the American military presence in Iraq. He has travelled extensivel­y all over the world, developing personal relationsh­ips with key leaders, including President Xi Jinping of China.

Moreover, Biden’s strong multilater­alist instincts will produce two departures from the Trump years. One is that he will veer towards a more cooperativ­e approach with allies. Biden understand­s that the US performs best when backed by allies, particular­ly in Europe and Asia. Not for him the highly transactio­nal style favoured by President Trump who berated even close allies such as Japan and South Korea, for example, over their military spending and even demanding that South Korea pay a huge fee for accommodat­ing US troops on its soil.

Second, Biden appreciate­s the importance of the rules-based internatio­nal order, so America will once again participat­e constructi­vely in agencies for global cooperatio­n such as the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) and the World Trade Organisati­on (WTO) while returning the US to the Paris climate accords.

In addition, Biden will probably abjure the highly-personalis­ed approach President Trump took. Biden is committed to institutio­nal processes, where policy decisions emerge from careful deliberati­ons using expert knowledge. As many of his close advisors understand Asia and have good connection­s with Asian leaders, it is more likely that the views and concerns of America’s allies in Asia will be heard in the Biden White House. A more institutio­nalised foreign policy process also means that Biden will offer greater predictabi­lity — after four years of unsettling foreign policy developmen­ts. There will not be sudden decisions to hold summit meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un or attempts to ingratiate himself with strongmen by endorsing their authoritar­ian methods as Trump was prone to.

A tough but nuanced approach to China

Biden will be tough on China. Remember that Vice-President Biden was in office when President Xi promised President Barack Obama that

China would not militarise the territorie­s in the South China Sea that it had seized. The Americans believe that even as Xi spoke, the Chinese military was already developing military facilities on those reefs and rocks. Thus Biden will be wary of China and Xi. We cannot see him reversing the higher tariffs that Trump imposed on China or retreating from the harsh restrictio­ns on Chinese technology firms. Biden will probably renegotiat­e Trump’s trade deal with China, using Trump’s tariffs to extract more concession­s on market access and the like. There will be no let-up in US pressure on Chinese tech. Biden is also likely to continue the Trump administra­tion’s stepped up freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea to demonstrat­e to China that the US will not accept China’s attempts to assert control in that disputed area. The American defence build-up which will eventually see a larger deployment of American naval assets in East Asia will also continue.

In some areas, though, Biden may offer some changes in strategy affecting Asia.

First, Biden is likely to be more cautious on Taiwan unlike the Trump team’s increasing embrace of Taiwan in military and economic fields. Biden will want to ensure that the US does not encourage independen­ce-minded leaders in Taiwan to provoke China with rash acts and thus unwittingl­y cause a crisis or even a war. At the same time, Biden likely appreciate­s that the Chinese threat to eventually take over Taiwan by force if necessary is not just rhetoric — he will want to signal firmly to China that the US would respond forcefully in such circumstan­ces.

Second, Biden seems to understand that the relationsh­ip with China cannot be entirely competitiv­e, that there are areas where both sides can cooperate profitably. One area will be North Korea’s developmen­t of nuclear and missile technology which could threaten the US. Collaborat­ing with China would give the US a greater likelihood of success in dealing with North Korea. Similarly, the US under Biden will probably be willing to cooperate with China on developing global strategies to mitigate climate change.

Third, Biden was part of the Obama administra­tion which showed a greater recognitio­n of Asean’s position. It was under Obama that the US first establishe­d a dedicated Mission to Asean in Jakarta, appointing its first resident Ambassador to Asean in 2011. Obama’s term saw the US participat­e at a high level in major Asean meetings, demonstrat­ing its commitment to the region which has clearly flagged in recent years. It is reasonable, therefore, to expect Biden’s administra­tion to revert to the pol

icy of prioritisi­ng close ties with Asean nations and demonstrat­ing that commitment in deed as well as in word.

What about economic policies?

Biden’s likely economic policies will probably be a net positive for this region, though not everything he does will be welcome.

First, his overwhelmi­ng priority is to get the US economy back on track. In the near term, he has already prioritise­d containing the Covid-19 pandemic, which is blazing out of control in the country. His strategy will be more science-based and can help the US flatten the curve of infections, which would in turn allow for a faster return to normal patterns of economic activity by ordinary people and businesses. He will push for an aggressive fiscal stimulus — while opposition from his Republican rivals in Congress could limit its size, it will still be large enough to boost economic growth. Asian economies should benefit from the resulting revival of US economic activity and appetite for imports.

In the longer term, we expect Biden’s ambitious economic plans to be stymied by his Republican opponents who are likely to retain control of the Senate. What is likely to emerge will be:

• Parts of his spending plan which are more acceptable to the Republican­s — such as increasing spending on infrastruc­ture, R&D, clean energy, education and healthcare. Biden is not likely to secure agreement on sufficient tax increases to fund all of these plans. Thus, there is a good chance that higher spending will not be matched by higher revenues, causing the American budget deficit to swell.

• Biden is more committed to some form of industrial policy, where the Federal government would play a bigger role in promoting economic transforma­tion. His economic team will probably want strategic items such as high-tech components used in the military or important medical items such as antibiotic­s and ventilator­s to be produced domestical­ly. He could also be inclined to provide more incentives for American firms to bring production back from cheaper locations such as in Asia.

• The Biden administra­tion will also probably be tougher on countries like Singapore which offer tax and other incentives that result in American firms reporting profits — and paying taxes on those profits — outside the US.

• The US is likely to continue wielding the threat of sanctions against countries deemed to be “manipulati­ng” their currencies. Asian economies will continue to bear the brunt of this US approach.

Second, Biden is not an instinctiv­e free-trader, so no one should expect him to seek more free trade agreements or open up the US economy to even more imports. Neither should we expect the US to return to membership of the Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, a free trade agreement that embraces much of the Asia-Pacific including a number of Latin American economies and which was initially encouraged by the Obama administra­tion. But, his multilater­alist instincts will make Biden more open to cutting a deal to make the WTO regain its effectiven­ess. Currently, the WTO is leaderless after the US under Trump rejected the candidate favoured by most other members to be its director-general. Biden’s trade team will probably be willing to cut a deal on reviving the arbitratio­n function of the WTO which has foundered because the US has vetoed replacemen­ts for retiring judges, rendering the dispute settlement function of the WTO defunct.

Why is all this good news for Asean?

Southeast Asia could emerge a winner from the Biden years, even if not everything Biden does will be welcome.

First, since Southeast Asia will be one of the main arenas for US-China contestati­on, a more nuanced and predictabl­e American management of ties with China will produce a more stable region, with a reduced chance of miscalcula­tions that could provoke instabilit­y. A US that is more clearly engaged in the region and pursuing rational policies will act as a better check and balance on China. That makes the world safer for Asean while giving it more room to manoeuvre.

Second, because the regional countries are relative minnows in the global system, they need a rules-based internatio­nal order to protect them. A renewed US commitment to upholding multilater­alism and defending that rules-based world order will offer a more robustly constructe­d umbrella to the less powerful countries in this region — whether this means a revitalise­d WTO or a reenergise­d set of security alliances in the wider Asia-Pacific region.

Third, the American economy is still a massively important market for Asean exports and an important source of direct investment. Thus, if Biden can be more competent in bringing the Covid-19 pandemic under control, Asean will be a winner. If over time, Biden’s long term economic strategy succeeds in alleviatin­g some of the US’s weaknesses such as infrastruc­ture and promoting higher quality growth there, Asean will also be a beneficiar­y. One risk is that of a weaker US dollar generating a degree of currency instabilit­y — Asean’s economic managers will have to be prepared to contain that risk.

Of course, a Biden administra­tion may also be occasional­ly difficult with Asean countries on trade and currency management, but in the broader scheme of things, we see Asean as a big winner from the political change in the US.

 ?? BLOOMBERG ?? A Biden administra­tion may occasional­ly be difficult with Asean countries on trade and currency management, but the region will benefit from the political change in the US
BLOOMBERG A Biden administra­tion may occasional­ly be difficult with Asean countries on trade and currency management, but the region will benefit from the political change in the US
 ??  ??

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