The Edge Singapore

Unravellin­g the environmen­tal impact of 5G

- BY JON GUINNESS Jon Guinness is portfolio manager at Fidelity Internatio­nal

What effects will the roll-out and uptake of 5G among consumers and businesses have on the environmen­t? 5G can enable significan­t environmen­tal advances in the form of more intelligen­t, energy-efficient devices and machinery, as well as through reducing the need for business travel. But other impact is varied and depends to some extent on the choices made by government­s, businesses and consumers, with a clear role for investors in engaging with companies to encourage environmen­tally sustainabl­e practices.

Increased efficiency versus expanded use

The discussion around the environmen­tal impact of 5G is more complex than many people think. At a high level, efficiency gains from the technology would benefit the environmen­t. However, increased use of smart technology that 5G enables, 5G infrastruc­ture, and the changing behaviour of workers and consumers also have effects.

A recent Nokia study showed that 5G is an impressive 90% more efficient in terms of megabits per second (mbps) than 4G. While other 5G equipment and network providers will have varying rates of efficiency, this is a strong indication that the higher data capacity of 5G will be positive for the environmen­t.

However, the impact on the environmen­t is not clear-cut, given the additional base stations that 5G requires — as it has a lower signal range than 4G — and the expected increase in data consumptio­n by 5G users. In aggregate, 5G could lead to a significan­t overall increase in energy use.

Minimising the environmen­tal impact of higher 5G energy demand

There are two broad categories of solutions to offset the potentiall­y higher energy demands of 5G: more use of renewable energy and optimising network loads.

Energy consumptio­n can account for 20% to 40% of network operating costs for 5G providers. Given the falling costs of renewable energy, rising costs of carbonbase­d energy, and increasing awareness around corporate sustainabi­lity, greater use of renewables is something that network operators are likely to be giving serious thought to.

Network load optimisati­on practices used to improve network performanc­e involve greater use of smart constructi­on and energy-efficient materials, virtualisi­ng core networks, and enhancing radio access network efficiency through modernisin­g legacy equipment. With many legacy telecommun­ication networks experienci­ng stagnant revenue growth, opportunit­ies to cut costs should be considered, particular­ly if there is an environmen­tal benefit.

Changing lifestyles can lead to environmen­tal gains

Outside of efficiency gains and energy use by 5G networks, there are second-order effects on the environmen­t.

We have seen a revolution in communicat­ion over the past year, with video conferenci­ng and working from home becoming mainstream. 5G can enhance remote working, particular­ly in areas that currently have patchy Internet coverage. 5G can also combine with edge computing to dramatical­ly improve the quality of home working and collaborat­ion with people across locations. This can be done by bringing data processing and delivery capabiliti­es closer to data sources to reduce latency and bandwidth.

Additional­ly, 5G-enabled mini devices could connect with bigger screens, reducing the need for bulky laptops and increasing the range of sites where work can be done. With more people working from home, there will be less energy use in transport.

Combining 5G and smart technology

Entwined with the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G can mean less wastage when using appliances and devices. Smarter technology in devices, machinery and buildings will be more responsive to environmen­tal cues, such as precipitat­ion, temperatur­e and light. Smart electricit­y meters installed in the Empire State Building, for example, have helped cut energy costs by 38%.

Saving energy means cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Ericsson predicts that informatio­n and communicat­ions technology (ICT) solutions like IoT — used across transporta­tion, travel, buildings, electricit­y grids, services, manufactur­ing, agricultur­e and land use — can help cut global carbon emissions by up to 15% by 2030. The Ericsson USA 5G Smart Factory in Texas, which makes equipment for 5G networks, is a prime example of how 5G can enable Industry 4.0. The factory is 24% more energy-efficient than baseline and has a gold rating from the US Green Building Council.

5G and IoT will also enable electricit­y microgrids to be brought online when main grids fail or are unavailabl­e. This will make it possible to better integrate intermitte­nt renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, into the grid.

More smartphone recycling

Investors need to be proactive and engage with companies in making the case for more environmen­tally sustainabl­e 5G networks.

One way is through greater use of smartphone recycling. The UN estimated that 49.8 million tonnes of e-waste were generated globally in 2018, with smartphone­s contributi­ng a significan­t proportion as consumers upgrade their mobile phones every two years on average. However, 80% of a smartphone is recyclable, and the concentrat­ion of minerals within it including copper, silver, gold and palladium cannot be found naturally, making it valuable for extraction.

Original equipment manufactur­ers ( OEMs) should recycle as many 4G smartphone components as possible. However, some components can be potentiall­y toxic. Over time, the use of biodegrada­ble sensors can help lessen the impact of e-waste from phones and other electronic items. Greater use of network sharing — although this may not be financiall­y desirable for all operators — can reduce the physical footprint from towers and base stations.

Second-order effects of 5G are key

While it is still an open debate whether and to what extent the greater use of data overwhelms the efficiency improvemen­ts of 5G communicat­ion, investors must consider second derivative effects. There is robust evidence suggesting that the changes 5G enables around our working habits and enterprise/industrial activity will be positive for the environmen­t.

Investors have a clear role to play in terms of encouragin­g companies across the 5G value chain to pursue environmen­tally sustainabl­e options, and in factoring firms’ environmen­tal policies into their stock selection processes.

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