The Peak (Singapore)


Increasing social stratifica­tion threatens the ties that make us a nation.


Much has been said recently about the increasing class divide in Singapore. Underscori­ng the urgency of the issue, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung said in a parliament­ary address in May: “When groups are predominan­tly formed along socio-economic status – whether one is rich or poor – it is the start of stratifica­tion and that will poison society over time.” Social stability will be at risk.

According to Tan Ern Ser, associate professor of sociology at the National University of Singapore, a society that practises meritocrac­y might strive to provide equal opportunit­ies, but, over time, will see “unequal outcomes”. Children growing up in middle- and upperclass families, for example, have a network they can learn from and tap into for opportunit­ies, says Tan, giving them an ever-increasing head start over a few generation­s.

Efforts to level the playing field have been put into motion. Kidstart, an initiative led by the Early Childhood Developmen­t Agency, sees the likes of social workers and educators providing holistic support to the young from low-income families. Over 1,000 children are expected to benefit from this pilot programme.

Beyond activating policy levers, Tan believes in nurturing community spirit to a point where “doing things for one another becomes something that is almost natural”. A spontaneou­s sense of volunteeri­sm born out of goodwill will benefit those who need help along the way.

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