Bicycling (South Africa)



TEAM SKY MADE WINNING THE TOUR DE FRANCE LOOK EASY. THUS, THEY MADE IT LOOK BORING. THUS, THEY ARE UNCOOL. DISCUSS. – Adam, Green Point VICTORY IS NEVER EASY. MAKING IT LOOK EASY IS NOT EASY. THE TOUR DE FRANCE IS NOT EASY. Winning it can never be easy. It wasn’t easy when Chris Froome and Geraint Thomas put the hammer down on the road into Montpellie­r, and Froomedog contested the sprint with Peter Sagan. Peter friggin’ Sagan, man. That wasn’t easy. That wasn’t expected. Froome didn’t look at ease when he picked up his broken bike, sighed, and then started running up the hill through the crowd to where he could get a spare bike. That wasn’t easy. Also, his crash on the descent of St Gervais (there’s a Ricky Gervais joke in there somewhere) could have ended it all. Does that sound boring? Only for a dullard. Easy? Never. Uncool? You must be joking. FOR THE OLYMPICS, SPECIALLY CONSIDERIN­G HOW CLOSE HE WAS TO BREAKING EDDY MERCKX’S STAGE-WIN RECORD, AND THAT HE ONLY GOT SILVER? – Eric, Braamies CAV KNOWS WHAT IT’S LIKE TO STAND ON THE PODIUM IN PARIS, ERIC. But he hadn’t stood on the podium of the Olympic Games before, and that grated him badly. It paid off, too – he got his silver medal, and stood on that podium. But you don’t seem to think Olympic silver is worth it, Eric. Maybe you believe that eight of the 10 SA medallists wasted their time going to the Olympics too. Also, that Cav was close to breaking Merckx’s win record is irrelevant – he’ll still be close in 2017.

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