Bicycling (South Africa)


- @JasenThorp­e)

HOW CAN YOU PARTY for three weeks with thousands of fellow cycling fanatics from all over the world, without ever having to leave your house, wear pants, or actually speak to anyone? Right: Twitter. On Twitter, you can engage with pro riders, team directors, journalist­s, cycling brands, and other bike nerds as the race unfolds. In fact, by following the right accounts and hashtags (#TdF2018), you can substitute Twitter for the audio stream of the race and probably come away better informed – and certainly more entertaine­d. Here’s who to follow:

Cycling media. Yeah, yeah, follow all the cycling publicatio­ns, but head to individual race reporters’ accounts for more free-flowing observatio­ns.

Mainstream media. Essential for democracy, but not that great at le Tour. @jasongay of The Wall Street Journal and @PFlax1 of the Hollywood Reporter (a former Bicycling editor in chief) are noteworthy exceptions.

Tech nerds. Wish you could ask @Keith_Bontrager about the wheels the pros are riding? Well, go ahead, ask him. Also follow Bicycling US gear guru Matt Phillips (@ilikesushi) for sneak peeks of new bikes and gear used in the Tour.

Twitterati. These deliver a good combinatio­n of cycling knowledge, tweet frequency, and unique point of view. @LesVachesd­uTour: Just like the name says. Moo. @NYVelocity: The New York Times recognised this blog for its role in taking down Lance Armstrong. Now it’s mostly about roadside tractors and other Tour de France agrifandom. Sometimes witty commentary. @TourDeCouc­h: Organiser of the TdF poetry contest. Compose a one-tweet poem capturing the essence of the day’s stage. @LesKnits: Slightly snarky but usually heartfelt commentary. @cyclingfan­s: Daily links to all online Tour de France broadcasts. Update your antivirus software – you may click through dubious pop-ups to get to the race coverage. @TheRaceRad­io: Always a deeper look at everything cycling. @JoeParkin: As a former pro, he knows a thing or two about Euro road racing. @VeloClinic: Tries to balance cycling science and reality.

The Outcasts. Doubt their integrity, but not their knowledge. These guys have little reason not to say it how it is. Except when they’d rather say how they wish it was. Or whatever. @LanceArmst­rong, @JohanBruyn­eel, @JoePaBike, @MRasmussen­1974 The (current) Chosen One.

@ChrisFroom­e. Because you’re not even a part of cycling Twitter until you’re #BlockedByF­roome. – Jasen Thorpe (can be blocked/ muted

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