Bicycling (South Africa)

Fast & Lean

5 interval workouts to get you up to speed – fast.


IINTERVALS. THE VERY WORD TRIGGERS GROANS of dread from even the most training-obsessed cyclist. But these short, misery-inducing efforts offer a huge fitness return for a comparativ­ely small time investment. Even 20- to 30-second microinter­vals have been shown to increase V02 max, burn fat, and improve endurance. And they work fast.

“Just two weeks of interval training can enhance your performanc­e,” says Paul Laursen, PhD, an endurance coach and sports scientist.

We’ve collected five cycling workouts that all improve your speed and power on the bike. Choose one of the following interval workouts and add it to a ride, no more than twice a week. For each, warm up with easy pedalling for 10 to 15 minutes, and cool down as needed after. Stick with it for (at least) four weeks, and you’ll be dropping your friends by next month.

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