Business Day

Zanu (PF) no to parts of draft constituti­on


THE Zanu (PF) party led by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has rejected parts of the country’s draft constituti­on.

The document was crafted by a parliament­ary select committee after four years of acrimoniou­s debate. It has to be validated by Zimbabwe’s parliament before being put to citizens in a referendum. Only then can Zimbabwe hold elections again.

The draft was given to Zimbabwe’s political parties two weeks ago and has been endorsed by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change.

Zanu (PF) was unhappy with a clause relating to provincial governors and resident ministers, who are currently presidenti­al appointees. The draft constituti­on proposes that the party with the majority of seats in a province nominate two candidates for the positions, one of whom the president will appoint.

The former ruling party was also not happy with a clause proposing the restructur­ing of the attorney-general’s office.

“We were asked to renegotiat­e and realign the document with the public’s views. On the whole, 97% of the document has been endorsed by the politburo,” Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa, Zanu (PF)’s chief negotiator, said at the weekend.

Political analysts suspect there could be further “stalling” on the finalisati­on of the new supreme law for Zimbabwe.

“A new constituti­on is a prerequisi­te for fresh elections but the time-frame is being stretched for far too long and I suspect this is a delaying tactic,” said Moses Mhunga, a political analyst.

A Zanu (PF) politburo member said the party’s supreme decisionma­king body between congresses had failed to adopt the draft constituti­on due to “petty” difference­s among officials. Another meeting of the politburo has now been slated for Wednesday.

Bulawayo-based analyst Dumisani Nkomo said yesterday “the best approach would be to encourage dialogue from everyone”.

There are indication­s Zanu (PF) could launch a no-vote campaign when Zimbabwe’s populace decides on the final version of the constituti­on in the referendum.

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