Business Day

Responsibl­e students


SIR — Thami Mazwai’s column, titled “Why do we still thumb our noses at poverty?” (July 25), refers. Mr Mazwai makes unfair generalisa­tions about students from the universiti­es he names, including the University of Cape Town.

He describes students drinking lavishly and throwing R200 notes at each other, and assumes this is a typical picture of students across SA’s top universiti­es. His sweeping statement does not correlate with the reality we see on our campus.

UCT has many students on financial aid, not only from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) but also through UCT’s financial assistance programme, which distribute­s R100m every year to needy students — many of whom represent the first generation in their families to go to university. Every day we also see many examples of students who make enormous sacrifices to complete their degrees, some by holding down more than one job, on top of their university work, to help sustain their families.

In addition, a sizable portion of UCT students are committed to outreach programmes. For instance, Shawco’s tutoring programmes and mobile medical clinics, which go out to disadvanta­ged communitie­s to provide medical care under the supervisio­n of qualified volunteer doctors, rely on student volunteers not only to participat­e in the outreaches but to help raise the necessary funding.

UCT involve students in outreach opportunit­ies in surroundin­g communitie­s. A strategic goal of UCT is to encourage students to respond actively to social justice issues. Second- and third-year courses often involve students in projects that will address a practical community need. For instance, students in the UCT chapter of Engineers Without Borders recently designed and installed a biodigeste­r system in Khayelitsh­a to turn organic waste into methane gas for cooking, with the added benefit of slurry that could be used for fertiliser.

We agree with Mr Mazwai’s larger notion that students in general should be mindful of poverty issues and the needs of disadvanta­ge communitie­s. While we agree that irresponsi­ble students could be found on every campus in the world, they are in the minority. We see multiple examples on our campus of responsibl­e, socially conscious, hard-working young people. Gerda Kruger Executive Director, Communicat­ions & Marketing, University of Cape Town

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