Business Day

Distrust rife as both sides behind looting

- Patrick Fort

SOME people in the Central African Republic (CAR) line the roads to applaud a convoy of the Seleka rebels who ousted president Francois Bozize, among much remaining mistrust due to looting by both sides.

The convoy of 40 men, led by Col Djouma Narkoyo, has left the capital Bangui for Mbaiki, about 80km to the south, with a mission to find out what is going on in the region, where abuses are still being committed against civilians and where troops of the regular army (Faca) are scattered in the bush.

At Pissa, 50km from the capital, the convoy stops. Local residents run away, wary of the armed men who toppled Mr Bozize on March 24 after an offensive that began in December. The rebels call them back.

Col “Johnson”, named for a one-time Liberian rebel leader with whom he bears a passing resemblanc­e, hands out money to children. He is swiftly surrounded by about 100 people calling out, “Seleka, Seleka!” and hoping to be given some money.

“This is my family,” Col Johnson says. “Here it is neither the government nor the state, but me who gives.”

About 10km further on, we arrive at Berengo, site of a former palace of Jean-Bedel Bokassa, the man who took power in a coup in 1966 and proclaimed himself emperor a decade later, only to be ousted in 1979. The palace has become barracks — deserted today.

The Seleka troops deploy on foot, because routed Faca forces have been seen in the area in the past few days. “In his era, there was no democracy, but there was no unrest,” Col Narkoyo says of Bokassa. “Everything that was built in Bangui dates from his days.”

School headmaster Lazare Abrouandji welcomes the rebels. “We are happy. Before, this was a dictatorsh­ip. We have been waiting for change for a long time.”

On arrival in Mbaiki, the rebels leap out of their vehicles, which are parked outside informal houses made of clay and wood, with sheet-metal roofs.

“This town had about 30,000 people, but scarcely 5,000 are left,” a teacher, Jean Herbert, says. “The others are hiding out in the bush, waiting for the end of the troubles. Some have small babies. The town is regularly looted. We’re frightened.”

Asked who carried out the pillage, several people profess ignorance, but once the rebels are out of earshot, two or three people blame them.

“It is the Seleka. They say that this is a Bozize stronghold, that we have never been affected by uprisings, that it is our turn,” one resident says.

The rebels drive into town as far as the market. Both service stations have been looted, along with the hospital, the police station and several private homes.

On the main street, a crowd gathers, Muslims lining one side of the road, Christians the other.

On some points, witnesses agree. They say that last Sunday, part of Mr Bozize’s family — including two of his sons — went by in a convoy of about 30 cars.

Mr Bozize himself fled to Cameroon, while much of his family went to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Residents also blame Faca troops for stealing petrol from two garages and say that one soldier was killed.

Each community has stories of looting, borne out by several witnesses. Among Muslims, Mr Bozize’s men are blamed. “They have intelligen­ce agents. When night falls, they come and they steal,” says a diamond cutter. “They came into my house. I fled by a back door. They took all the stones. I lost 10-million CFA francs ($19,500).”

Christians accuse the Seleka of looting and other abuses.

“They kidnapped the son of the second deputy (mayor) and demanded a ransom of 2-million (CFA francs). The man paid up and his son was returned,” one resident says. “The Seleka patrol by day but by night they come back to loot.”

Another resident says: “They select the houses.”

Col Narkoyo wants to win residents round and ceaselessl­y explains: “I lost four people close to me, killed by the Bozize regime. But if I want to settle my scores, with whom am I going to rebuild the CAR?

“We need to put a stop to the looting and restore confidence.” Sapa-AFP

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