Business Day

SABC bias must end

- Ben Skosana MP (IFP)

DEAR SIR — The likely outcome of an interview involving an experience­d statesman and a young aspirant journalist, who possesses little direct or indirect historical knowledge of the issues on the table for the interview but relied on employing accusatori­al phraseolog­ies steeped in political propaganda based on misinforma­tion, is bound to be extremely unsatisfac­tory.

This is precisely what happened during the SABC “question time” interview with the president of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi on September 4 — and the fault lies with the current affairs management of the public broadcaste­r.

It is understand­able that, in the process of expanding its broadcasti­ng hours to 24, the SABC had to increase its contingent of journalist­s. But it is highly suspect for the SABC not to have fielded a seasoned journalist to interview Prince Buthelezi.

Unless the motive behind this interview was not to elicit informatio­n on the IFP’s socioecono­mic policies but to denigrate the IFP and its leader. It is a well-known fact that they have never been the darlings of some of the apparatchi­ks heading the SABC. Ironically, previous question time interviews with other leaders dwelled more on their party policies and critical assessment of the performanc­e of the government. Why the deviation this time?

Unfortunat­ely, the imminent political decadence of this bias attitude on the part of the SABC promotes a monumental frustratio­n of former president Nelson Mandela’s quest for reconcilia­tion simply because it feeds on the negativity of the conflicts of the past between the African National Congress and the IFP, and this practice needs therefore to come to an end.

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