Business Day

SA’s black colonialis­ts


DEAR SIR — Recently I watched a socalled “debate” on SABC2 on what was referred to as “land reform”. Most of the participan­ts were calling for a Zimbabwe-style expropriat­ion of Afrikaner-owned land.

For some time now I have been thinking that SA is perhaps the first country in the world afflicted with black colonialis­m. As ever, one’s perception of our sociopolit­ical situation is entirely determined by the paradigm or world- view from which one gazes upon SA.

Notwithsta­nding the antiwester­n rhetoric of the black colonialis­ts, they share the same culture, language and imperialis­t disdain for us as Lords Milner or Kitchener of yore, burning everything in sight and herding us into concentrat­ion camps.

Black and white colonialis­ts on SABC2 were united in their thirst for land and for forcibly removing the rightful owners — like any conquistad­or in the days of the Spanish Empire.

Of course, black colonialis­m often clothes itself in leftist idiom.

Hence, the white British marxist professor, Ruth Hall, of the University of Western Cape, was herself calling for the eviction of Afrikaner natives from their land in favour of some new form of plantation slavery.

Seated in airconditi­oned offices, the black colonialis­ts wish to evict Afrikaner peasants from their ancestral lands. The colonialis­ts commute in spanking new German luxury cars, while the sunburnt Afrikaners in shorts and velskoens drive around on dusty roads in aged utilitaria­n bakkies.

Our minds, like our universiti­es, have been colonised. Hence the almost complete lack of critical perspectiv­e on the colonialis­t enterprise known as the “New SA”.

The contempt for our indigenous Afrikaans culture, literature, cuisine, style and our very names have never been greater. Britain never changed the Voortrekke­r name of Pretoria, yet the black colonialis­ts relish in humiliatin­g us daily with their colonial folly of “Tshwane”, which is about as foreign to SA as the Cyrillic alphabet.

SA is being pillaged by these colonialis­ts who enslave and exploit us, confiscati­ng our resources to finance their colonial lifestyle in ludicrous Italianate mansions.

Our country is in dire need of national liberation.

Dan Roodt Johannesbu­rg

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