Business Day

Hold Jim accountabl­e


DEAR SIR — David Gleason puts the spotlight on the National Union of Metalworke­rs of SA’s (Numsa) Irvin Jim for the chaos he has caused to the detriment of Brand SA (Numsa’s Jim deserves a medal, October 11). But, unusually for Mr Gleason, I think he should have gone further. Surely there is a case for Mr Jim being charged with treason, as an investment that would have secured and created jobs and much-needed exports, has been scared away. He should be held accountabl­e.

And then we are told that various ministers will be talking to BMW, but I wonder exactly what about. Decisions have been made back in the head office in Germany. And everyone knows the Germans do not suffer fools gladly — a reason they are one of the world's most successful economies.

The reputation for BMW is paramount, as with all top brands, and not be put at risk, a reason to avoid SA and the anarchy repeatedly dished out by the union movement, with total impunity. But it also implies that ministers think the problem is with BMW. How naive can you get?

Many years ago I was told that I was in the business of problem solving and creating solutions for the future. But I was warned, make sure to focus on the real problem, not the side issues.

So, Mr Gleason, the problem may start with Mr Jim, but then moves to Numsa, then the Congress of South African Trade Unions, then the three parties that make up the government and finally to number one. Surely within that chain of responsibi­lity there are some who realise the folly of their ways and will speak out. Or is the Reserve Bank governor on her own?

Jeremy Sampson


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