Business Day

Quotas are shaming


DEAR SIR — Your quite readable cricket correspond­ent Telford Vice clearly has a bee in his bonnet about racial quotas — an approach to life given to the world by the late and unlamented Adolph Hitler and adopted by the equally unlamented National Party.

Clearly there are so many outstandin­g cricketers of colour from, for example, the West Indies that anyone who suggests that blacks are inherently not able to be great cricketers is delusional. Think of Brian Lara, Viv Richards, Constantin­e Learie, Darren Sammy, Lance Gibbs, Constantin­e Walsh, Michael Holding, Curtly Ambrose and so on, and you quickly could select several teams ranking among the greatest the world has known.

Many elements are at play in sporting and other achievemen­ts. In the US almost 90% of basketball players are black while blacks constitute 12% of the population. At the Olympic Games the eight finalists in the 100m track are invariably all black, led at present by the incomparab­le Usain Bolt, and built on the legacy of the great Jesse Owens.

In the swimming pool finalists are invariably white or, occasional­ly, Asian. Perhaps Mr Vice would care to extend his demands for racial quotas to all areas of human activity.

It occurs to me that no self-respecting sportsman/womanwould wish to be selected on anything other than merit. And this doesn’t mean for a moment that reparation­s for past evils must not be made. But such reparation­s should be calculated to enable the individual­s concerned to advance on merit, not on race classifica­tion.

Stephen Mulholland

Via e-mail

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