Business Day

Plans to replace SA’s wollastoni­te imports

- ALLAN SECCOMBE Resources Writer

INCUBEX Minerals aims to replace South African imports of wollastoni­te and could possibly grow into an exporter of the mineral, CEO John Bristow said on Tuesday.

Incubex, a privately held company designed to be an incubator for mining projects, has a host of industrial mineral prospects that it wants to develop to generate cash to allow it to invest in other projects and spin them out as separate companies, Mr Bristow said.

“We’ve embarked on a strategy of developing industrial mineral deposits. It’s not particular­ly sexy but it will make reasonable money,” he said.

The wollastoni­te mine is already in production, having been run by a number of other owners who have struggled to make a success of the business. The last owners ran out of cash and were unable to capitalise on their dry processing plant, which replaced an earlier unsuccessf­ul wet processing technology, he said.

Wollastoni­te is a fibrous mineral and is used in paint, ceramic, and brake pad applicatio­ns and as a substitute for asbestos, says the US Geological Survey website. It listed China, India, Finland and Mexico as leading sources of the mineral.

SA was estimated to import about 1,000 tonnes a month of wollastoni­te and it was this import-replacemen­t

We’ve embarked on a strategy of developing industrial mineral deposits. It’s not particular­ly sexy but it will make reasonable money

market Incubex was targeting, said Mr Bristow, the former CEO and president of alluvial diamond miner Rockwell Diamonds. Incubex is talking to paint, ceramic and other users of wollastoni­te, to see what the local market could absorb, he said.

“We could over time replace the import tonnages and then, further into the future, look at exports,” said Mr Bristow, a geologist by training, and a veteran of the diamond sector.

The first phase of the project would see 500 tonnes a month of wollastoni­te produced, including a lower grade used in the constructi­on industry to strengthen concrete slabs, he said.

Depending on demand, a second module could be added to increase output. “In industrial minerals marketing is key. It needs a lot of investigat­ion before you start mining.”

Incubex has a silica sand project near Rustenburg to sell product to roofing tile makers and the ceramic industry. The silica is used as a flux in furnaces and in slimes dams in the platinum mining sector.

Incubex is embroiled in a dispute over a tin, copper and fluorspar prospect and is awaiting the outcome of studies by Mpumalanga and Department of Mineral Resources officials.

It has an attapulgit­e deposit it wants to develop. Attapulgit­e is a clay used in the oil drilling industry, in cosmetic face masks and in paints.

 ?? Picture: ROBERT TSHABALALA ?? IN PRODUCTION: Incubex CEO John Bristow, former CEO and president of alluvial diamond miner Rockwell Diamonds.
Picture: ROBERT TSHABALALA IN PRODUCTION: Incubex CEO John Bristow, former CEO and president of alluvial diamond miner Rockwell Diamonds.

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