Business Day

ANC leads SA to edge


SIR — Foreign investment in SA forms the backbone of the economy. Any disruption to the continuati­on of this lifeline must be seen as an act of sabotage. The latest statements by President Jacob Zuma and the government to preclude foreign investment in property forebodes a serious situation and sends an equally serious message to the world that foreigners are not welcome in this country.

We as a nation must strongly deplore these insane statements. We need a strong reaction from the leaders of industry and finance to counteract these insane messages now circulatin­g in the internatio­nal world of finance. How can a president of any country get away with this?

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has an impressive financial background and I fail to see how he can accept this diabolical situation to exist, which is also part of the direction in which the African National Congress is taking this country. To the very edge!

We have many incredible leaders, some whom I have personally met — Patrice Motsepe, the Thebe directors and many others. I believe we have now reached a critical point in our history and the government must accept failure in terms of its conceited belief that running a sophistica­ted society can be so easily managed.

We need the leaders of finance, locally as well as internatio­nally, to now confront the issue at hand. The present foreign investment runs into many billions of rand and it is the duty of South Africans to send the message that those responsibl­e will be made to account. Investment­s must be guaranteed and protected. Francois H Pienaar Rosebank

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