Business Day

More, or is it less?


SIR — On your front page on Monday, you tell us that you “give us more”.

Yet it seems that in this edition, the last of the Crucial CD columns appears. Is this not less?

More or less? That is the question.

I buy the Monday edition for that specific column, and the Friday edition for the wine feature. Will that also go, giving us “more”? More what, I wonder?

Vincent Bristow Muizenberg

SIR — I am reading the new format of the Business Day, which I have to say I am not mad about.

Maybe I missed it, but could you please tell me what page number the unit trust prices appear on?

Mike Shaw Via e-mail

SIR — Sorry, but I do not like the newlook Business Day. It is all over the place. The Market Wrap should form part of the Companies & Markets section, not Review & Opinions.

Second, why have you eliminated the first part of the Market Wrap dealing with unit trusts and all the other features, such as foreign markets, currency rates, etc?

I vote “no” to your changes.

Bertie Lincoln Via e-mail

We thank readers for their feedback. Though many have praised the new format, we appreciate that the changes are not to everyone’s liking and we will take into considerat­ion all the matters raised. More market informatio­n can be found on The Editor.

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