Business Day

Worming a way to the hard facts

Questions over varying approaches to scientific study, writes Tim Harford


IT WAS one of the most influentia­l economics studies to have been published in the past 20 years, with a simple title: Worms. Now, its findings are being questioned in an exchange that somehow manages to be encouragin­g and frustratin­g all at once. Developmen­t economics is growing up, and getting acne.

The authors of Worms, economists Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer, studied a deworming project in an area of western Kenya in which parasitic intestinal worms were a serious problem in 1998. They concluded three things from the randomised trial. First, deworming treatments produced not just health benefits but educationa­l ones, because healthier children were able to attend school. Second, the treatments were cracking value for money. Third, there were useful spillovers: when a school was treated for worms, infection rates in nearby schools also fell.

The study was influentia­l in two very different ways. Activists campaigned for wider use of deworming treatments. Developmen­t economists drew a separate lesson: that running randomised trials was an excellent way to figure out what worked.

In this, they were following in the footsteps of epidemiolo­gists. Yet it is the epidemiolo­gists who are now asking the awkward questions. Alexander Aiken and three colleagues from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have just published a pair of articles in the Internatio­nal Journal of Epidemiolo­gy that examine the worms experiment, and find it wanting.

Their first article follows the original methodolog­y and uncovers some errors, one of which calls into question the claim that deworming produces spillover benefits. The second article uses epidemiolo­gical methods rather than the statistica­l techniques preferred by economists. It raises the concern that the central findings may be a fluke.

Everyone agrees that there were some errors in the original paper, but on the key questions there is little common ground. Miguel and Kremer defend their findings, arguing that the epidemiolo­gists have gone through statistica­l contortion­s to make the results disappear. Yet epidemiolo­gists are uneasy. The Cochrane Collaborat­ion, an independen­t network of health researcher­s, has published a review of deworming evidence, concluding many deworming studies produce weak evidence of benefits.

What explains this difference of views? Partly this is a clash of academic best practices.

Consider the treatment of spillover effects. To Miguel and Kremer, these were the whole point of the cluster study. Aiken, however, says that an epidemiolo­gist thinks of such effects as “contaminat­ion” — an undesirabl­e source of statistica­l noise. Miguel believes this may explain the disagreeme­nt.

The epidemiolo­gists fret about the statistica­l headaches the spillovers cause, while the economists are enthused by the prospect that these spillovers will help improve childhood health. Another cultural difference is this: epidemiolo­gists have been able to run trials but, with big money sometimes at stake, they have had to defend the integrity of the trials against bias.

Economists, by contrast, are used to having to make the best of noisier data. Consider a centuryold interventi­on, when John D Rockefelle­r funded a programme of hookworm eradicatio­n in the US. A few years ago, economist Hoyt Bleakley teased apart census data from the early 20th century to show that this programme had led to big gains in schooling and in income. To an economist, that is clever work. To an epidemiolo­gist, it is of limited scientific value.

My sympathies lie with the economists. I suspect that the effects that Miguel and Kremer found are quite real, even if their methods do not quite match the customs of epidemiolo­gists. But the bigger question is why so large a policy push needs to be based on a handful of clinical trials.

(c) 2015 The Financial Times Limited

Question is why so large a policy push needs to be based on a handful of clinical trials

 ?? Picture: SUNDAY TIMES ?? BRIGHT OUTLOOK: Economists who conducted a deworming project say it produces not only spillover health benefits but educationa­l ones too. However, epidemiolo­gists, using different methodolog­y, disagree.
Picture: SUNDAY TIMES BRIGHT OUTLOOK: Economists who conducted a deworming project say it produces not only spillover health benefits but educationa­l ones too. However, epidemiolo­gists, using different methodolog­y, disagree.

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