Business Day

Overcapaci­ty hurts steel mills


THE global steel industry faces an escalating crisis and any prospectiv­e mill closures look unlikely to be enough to lift a sector hit by the flood of cheap Chinese steel and low prices.

THE global steel industry faces an escalating crisis and any mill closures in prospect look unlikely to be enough to restore sectoral profitabil­ity.

Britain’s second-largest steel maker, SSI UK, went into liquidatio­n last week, citing a slump in steel prices and record exports from China.

Similar troubles are circling SA’s second-largest steel maker, Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium, which is undergoing business rescue proceeding­s, while Tata Steel and US Steel Corp have curtailed capacity this year.

Experts say measures taken so far fall far short.

“The steel industry is in its worst recession in 10 years, potentiall­y as bad as 1991-92,” said VTB Capital’s Wiktor Bielski. “There’s almost nobody who isn’t hurting right now. Less than 50% of the global industry can make money at current prices.”

Consultanc­y CRU said 700-million tonnes out of a total 2.3-billion tonnes of annual steel-making capacity was “spare“, with cuts of 400500-million tonnes needed by 2020 to balance the market.

Few believe such cuts will materialis­e, not least because 300-million tonnes of spare capacity is in China, where the sector employs millions and cutbacks could spark unrest.

“It is the rule of the market. If not China, it will be Indian, Russian or Turkish mills, the more competitiv­e will outlive the high-cost producers in the developed economies,” said a China Iron and Steel Associatio­n officer.

The associatio­n expects China’s steel exports will exceed 100-million tonnes this year, after surging 50% last year to 94-million tonnes. This flood of cheap Chinese steel has helped send global prices to 11-year lows.

“Global steel prices have fallen more than iron ore in the last few weeks. In southern Europe we see steel from China at about €300 a tonne, significan­tly below the cost of the most efficient (European) producer,” said Voestalpin­e CEO Wolfgang Eder.

Scarcely a month goes by without news of new protection­ist measures, which many experts see as counterpro­ductive in the long run because they reinforce overcapaci­ty.

“The best market is a market that is as free as possible from artificial restrictio­ns within the rules of the World Trade Organisati­on,” said Edwin Basson, the director-general of the World Steel Associatio­n.

Yet protection­ism is popular, and political and labour pressures to keep mills running are intense.

At the same time steel demand remains lacklustre.

CRU estimates demand, which has been growing anaemicall­y since the financial crisis, will fall 3% this year, thanks in part to the slowdown in China, which consumes half the world’s steel. It sees compound annual growth in demand of 2% until 2019.

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