Business Day

Black woman leaders at universiti­es give lie to incompeten­ce myth


PRESUMED Incompeten­t: The Intersecti­ons of Race and Class for Women in Academia is a volume of essays published last year by US women academics, highlighti­ng their experience­s at universiti­es.

It focuses on the contradict­ory culture of universiti­es that on the one hand champions meritocrac­y, the search for truth through research, the pursuit of freedom of expression and associatio­n and the pursuit of objective knowledge to improve society — all of which ostensibly render race, gender, sexuality and other identities irrelevant.

But on the other hand, the presumptio­n of incompeten­ce often surfaces when discussing women of colour in higher education — whether as administra­tors, teachers, scholars, or in committees.

While many women of colour achieve great success at universiti­es and have joined the ranks of an educated elite, many others feel alienated from the institutio­ns and are often treated unfairly based on their race and gender. They frequently find their credential­s or authority questioned by colleagues as well as students.

Last June, at a conference in Seattle, three lecturers from Wits University and I met one of the editors of Presumed Incompeten­t. It led to a decision to host a workshop on the experience­s of black women in law faculties in SA, with the purpose of publishing a book and expanding the discussion beyond law faculties. The workshop was held last month at the Wits Law School, where one of the editors of Presumed Incompeten­t and I delivered keynote addresses.

How black women embark upon and succeed in their careers at universiti­es is ripe for exploratio­n in light of the transforma­tion initiative­s under way at South African universiti­es including an exploratio­n of measures adopted to ensure that black people, especially black women, are recruited, promoted and retained.

Apartheid-generated traditions of white male supremacy at its institutio­ns and internalis­ed notions of black and/or female inferiorit­y still haunt them.

For black women at South African universiti­es, the question is how to confront the detritus of apartheid’s cultural and psychologi­cal damage, and how to engage in a cultural clean-up operation that preserves our dignity and resilience.

For those of us in positions of leadership, the question is what to do with our influence and authority. Which strategies do we adopt to move institutio­ns towards their transforma­tive goals?

At the workshop, I offered the following suggestion­s for black women leaders in universiti­es:

Engender a culture of respect and engagement;

Be clear about your goals and those of your institutio­n;

Ensure institutio­nal processes to deal with racism, sexism, homophobia and other complaints of discrimina­tion are transparen­t, fair, effective and efficient; Encourage mentoring; If the goal is to increase the racial or gender demographi­cs at the institutio­n, be purposeful in appointmen­ts and be strategica­lly colour- and gender-conscious;

Model appropriat­e behaviour, but do not change who you are, only how you lead and collaborat­e;

Follow Atul Gawande’s The Checklist Manifesto, which outlines how welldesign­ed check lists can improve efficiency and outcomes.

In the transforma­tion processes under way at historical­ly white universiti­es,

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including the University of Cape Town (UCT), previously marginalis­ed groups — black men and women and white women — are making their way in increasing numbers into positions of leadership.

At UCT, three of the eight faculty deans are black and four are women (one is a black woman), and of the 11 executive positions, six are held by black people, and five by women (two are black women).

Although the overall picture for black women at UCT remains disappoint­ing, now that a few of us are in leadership positions, our presence will continue to undermine the presumptio­n of incompeten­ce.

Prof Andrews is the dean at UCT’s Faculty of Law.

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