Business Day

Leicester show underdogs can win


DEAR SIR — Thank you Leicester City for making me believe in the dream. Thank you Nkosana Makate for making us believe in the dream.

Yes, the underdog can win. As the great Muhammad Ali (pictured) once said, champions are not made in the gym. Or in the bank or boardroom. It is a hunger in their hearts.

The Bard, William Shakespear­e, said champions are made of sterner stuff. You continued fighting even though you were written off.

Leicester City and Mr Makate are the reason I believe SA’s dreams of 1994 are not dead. The current rulers, who have no regard for the voters, will one day be history. We will remember the likes of Gwede Mantashe as being the cement that built Nkandla.

They behave as if we are stupid and they own us. Please let us not blame the Gupta family for our prob- lems. It is the collective leadership of the African National Congress (ANC) that let us down.

But who will replace the ANC? It cannot be the Economic Freedom Fighters’ “commander-in-chief”, Julius Malema.

The Malema of the old youth league and the beret-wearing one are the same. They cannot take criticism. Look at what they did to Andile Mngxitama — physically attacking him in public. Imagine what they will do to the rest of us.

The Democratic Alliance is no different. You have their senior leaders, such as Patricia De Lille, playing deaf to the racism in front of them. They want us to bring evidence. No evidence, no racism. How can we trust them to run the country then?

The ANC must go. Thank you Leicester City and Mr Makate for making me believe it is possible. Dreams do come true.

One day, SA will shine. Dr Lucas Ntyintyane Via e-mail

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