Business Day

An editorial of shame

- Mike Stow Via e-mail

SIR — I am disgusted and shocked by Business Day’s “two wrongs make a right” editorial asking the SA authoritie­s to admit to SA an openly anti-gay US preacher spouting hate speech (Let Anderson visit SA, September 13). The reasoning and logic are specious, thinly veiling sympathies for the bigotry and hate speech that pastor Steve Anderson espouses. Why should a government body grant entrance to someone opposed to the reconcilia­tion and spirit of our Constituti­on, simply because it finds favour with popular prejudices?

There is no denying that the government was wrong in blocking the Dalai Lama’s visit, but opening doors to the wrong people does not make good closing doors to the right people. Time for the editor who wrote this piece to step out of the shadows and reveal himself and his own prejudices and background. You choose to be offensive in public: let us see who you really are, and what your history in these matters is.

Please review your position, I intend reporting this to the Press Ombudsman as hate speech.

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