Business Day

Beckenbaue­r was paid millions


FRANZ Beckenbaue­r, who said he worked for free as chairman of Germany’s World Cup organising committee, actually drew a fee of more than €5m, news website Spiegel Online reported on Wednesday.

The football legend sought to hide the sum from tax authoritie­s, the magazine said, in the latest embarrassm­ent for Beckenbaue­r, who is being investigat­ed by Swiss authoritie­s in relation to corruption allegation­s over the awarding of the 2006 World Cup to Germany.

The latest revelation drew anger from German Football Federation chief Reinhard Grindel, who accused the man nicknamed “the Kaiser”, 71, of lying and misleading the public.

According to Spiegel, the sum was taken from a donation of €12m made by a World Cup sponsor — the gambling company Oddset.

Grindel said: “We know that Beckenbaue­r worked for Oddset in the framework of the World Cup. But we were not aware that he drew €5.5m from the budget of the organisati­on of World Cup 2006.

“Obviously, given these conditions, we cannot say that he had worked on an unpaid basis for the organising committee.”

Beckenbaue­r did not declare the sum to tax authoritie­s for four years, according to Spiegel.

But checks by tax authoritie­s led to him paying back €1m.

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